
A section of Biology (ISSN 2079-7737).

Section Information

Ecology studies the interactions between ecological entities (individuals, populations or systems) and their environment. It aims to understand these entities as they are today and how they may change in the future. Living in a rapidly changing world, it is important to understand the response of natural ecosystems to climate change, biodiversity loss and/or other anthropogenic drivers of change, their resilience to these and to propose approaches for their restoration. Ecology is the basis for the conservation of nature and is vital for human well-being and prosperity. Major research questions are posed in different spatial (local to global) or temporal scales and different methods are used to answer these questions: manipulative and natural experiments, observations and field work surveys, as well as modelling approaches.

The “Ecology” Section focuses on publishing original research articles and reviews related to topics in all aspects of ecology. Manuscripts including theoretical, analytical, experimental and empirical approaches are welcome. Applied ecology issues with implications for environmental/conservation policy or natural resource management are also acceptable. There is no restriction on the types of organisms or ecosystems.

Subject Areas

  • Functional ecology
  • Trait-based ecology
  • Population ecology
  • Community ecology
  • Ecosystem ecology
  • Landscape ecology
  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Applied ecology
  • Conservation ecology
  • Global change ecology
  • Ecological sustainability

Editorial Board

Topical Advisory Panel

Papers Published

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