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3 April 2019
ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019, 7–12 July 2019, Enschede, the Netherlands

It is a pleasure to invite you to take part in the 2019 ISPRS Geospatial Week (GSW 2019). The ISPRS Geospatial Week (GSW) is a combination of workshops organised by about 30 ISPRS Working Groups active in areas of interest of ISPRS. It is convened by the University of Twente acting as local organiser, and led by George Vosselman as GSW Director.
The ISPRS Geospatial Week’s general goals are to: increase the possibility of communication between the different workshop communities within ISPRS and beyond; increase the continuous visibility of ISPRS on a yearly basis, together with the Congress and the Commission Symposia, thus leading to larger impact for ISPRS activities; gives Sustaining Members a more attractive opportunity to participate in ISPRS events. For more information about the conference, please visit https://www.gsw2019.org/.
The following MDPI journals will be represented:
Remote Sensing
Journal of Imaging
Urban Science