
24 August 2023
Algorithms | Issue Cover Articles in 2021

The articles below have been selected as the 2021 Issue Cover Articles by the Editorial Office of Algorithms (ISSN: 1999-4893). The authors of these articles work in multiple fields within the scope of Algorithms, and we sincerely hope they can provide insights and references for scholars in related fields.

1. ”Adaptive Gene-Level Mutation”
by Jalal Al-Afandi and András Horváth
Algorithms 202114(1), 16;
Available online:

2. ”Simulation–Optimization Approach for Multi-Period Facility Location Problems with Forecasted and Random Demands in a Last-Mile Logistics Application”
by Markus Rabe, Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu, Jorge Chicaiza-Vaca and Rafael D. Tordecilla
Algorithms 202114(2), 41;
Available online:

3. ”A Deep Learning Model for Data-Driven Discovery of Functional Connectivity”
by Usman Mahmood, Zening Fu, Vince D. Calhoun and Sergey Plis
Algorithms 202114(3), 75;
Available online:

4. ”Chaos and Stability in a New Iterative Family for Solving Nonlinear Equations”
by Alicia Cordero, Marlon Moscoso-Martínez and Juan R. Torregrosa
Algorithms 202114(4), 101;
Available online:

5. ”Design Optimization of Interfacing Attachments for the Deployable Wing of an Unmanned Re-Entry Vehicle”
by Francesco Di Caprio, Roberto Scigliano, Roberto Fauci and Domenico Tescione
Algorithms 202114(5), 141;
Available online:

6. ”Guaranteed Diversity and Optimality in Cost Function Network-Based Computational Protein Design Methods”
by Manon Ruffini, Jelena Vucinic, Simon de Givry, George Katsirelos, Sophie Barbe and Thomas Schiex
Algorithms 202114(6), 168;
Available online:

7. ”qRobot: A Quantum Computing Approach in Mobile Robot Order Picking and Batching Problem Solver Optimization”
by Parfait Atchade-Adelomou, Guillermo Alonso-Linaje, Jordi Albo-Canals and Daniel Casado-Fauli
Algorithms 202114(7), 194;
Available online:

8. ”A General Cooperative Optimization Approach for Distributing Service Points in Mobility Applications”
by Thomas Jatschka, Günther R. Raidl and Tobias Rodemann
Algorithms 202114(8), 232;
Available online:

9. ”An Algebraic Approach to Identifiability”
by Daniel Gerbet and Klaus Röbenack
Algorithms 202114(9), 255;
Available online:

10. ”Rough-Estimator-Based Asynchronous Distributed Super Points Detection on High-Speed Network Edge”
by Jie Xu and Wei Ding
Algorithms 202114(10), 277;
Available online:

11. ”Adaptive Refinement in Advection–Diffusion Problems Using Anomaly Detection: A Numerical Study”
by Antonella Falini and Maria Lucia Sampoli
Algorithms 202114(11), 328;
Available online:

12. ”A Visual Mining Approach to Improved Multiple-Instance Learning”
by Sonia Castelo, Moacir Ponti and Rosane Minghim
Algorithms 202114(12), 344;
Available online:

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