
27 March 2019
Meet Us at Transducers 2019 - EUROSENSORS XXXIII, 23–27 June 2019, Berlin, Germany

We will be attending the Transducers 2019 - EUROSENSORS XXXIII event, to be held in Berlin, Germany from 23rd June 2019. The conference covers major areas of activity in the development of Sensor, Actuators and Transducers, including the following:

  • Mechanical/Physical Sensors and Microsystems
  • Materials, Fabrication, and Packaging Technologies
  • Nanoscale Devices and Nanomaterials
  • Transducers with Soft, Flexible or Composite Materials
  • Chemical and Environmental Sensors and Microsystems
  • Bio-Sensors and Bio-Microsystems
  • Medical Microsystems
  • Microfluidics (non-bio)
  • Energy and Power MEMS
  • Acoustic Microdevices and RF MEMS
  • Integrated Photonics and Optical MEMS

Representatives of the following open access journals will attend:


If you are also attending this conference, please feel free to stop by our booth (Booth #25). Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person to answer any questions you may have.
For more information, please access the website:

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