From Grammar Inference to Semantic Inference—An Evolutionary Approach
:1. Introduction
- Grammar Inference is able to infer only the syntactic structure, whilst, in many problems, there are additional restrictions on allowed structures [11,12] which can’t be described by Context-Free Grammars (CFGs). Hence, we also need to know the static semantics, or even the meaning of the structure (e.g., in the area of programming languages a program might be syntactically correct, but contains semantic errors such as undeclared identifiers). How can we extend Grammar Inference beyond discovering only the syntactic structure?
- The search space is enormous, even in the case for inferring regular and context-free languages [13], and it becomes substantially bigger for the context-sensitive languages (context-free languages with static semantics). How can we assure sufficient exploration and exploitation of the search space [14] for Semantic Inference? Note that the search space is too large for the exhaustive (brute-force) approach.
2. Related Work on Grammar Inference and Semantic Inference
2.1. Grammar Inference
2. print 23 |
3. print a + 23 |
4. print a + b + c |
5. print a where a = 23 |
6. print 23 where b = 11 |
7. print 23 + c where c = 28 |
8. print 23 + 11 where c = 28 |
9. print a where a = 23; a = 28 |
10. print 28 where a = 23; b = 11 |
11. print 1 + 2 where b = 23; a = 5 |
N2 → + N3 | ε |
N3 → num N2 | id N2 |
N4 → ; id = num N4 | ε |
2.2. Semantic Inference
3. Semantic Inference with LISA
parent1Probability = (parent1FitnessRatio ∗ (100 - mutationProbability)) / (parent1FitnessRatio + parent2FitnessRatio); |
parent2Probability = (parent2FitnessRatio ∗ (100 - mutationProbability)) / (parent1FitnessRatio + parent2FitnessRatio); |
4. Experiments
4.1. Example 1
4.2. Example 2
4.3. Example 3
T = {START.outx, START.outy, COMMANDS.outx, COMMANDS.outy, COMMANDS.inx, COMMANDS.iny, COMMAND.outx, COMMAND.outy, COMMAND.inx, COMMAND.iny,COMMANDS[1].outx, COMMANDS[1].outy, COMMANDS[1].inx, COMMANDS[1].iny, 0, 1} |
5. Conclusions
- Few previous approaches were able to learn Attribute Grammars with synthesised attributes only. This limitation has been overcome in this paper, and we were able to learn Attribute Grammars with synthesised and inherited attributes. Consequently, few previous approaches inferred only S-attributed Attribute Grammars, whilst our approach inferred also L-attributed Attribute Grammars.
- The search space of all possible semantic equations is enormous and quantified in Section 3.
- We have shown that Genetic Programming can be used effectively to explore and exploit the search space solving the problem of Semantic Inference successfully.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Attribute | Operands | Operators | P(0) | P(1) | P(2) | SumP |
P1:S.ok | 4 | 3 | 4 | 48 | 8064 | 8116 |
P2:A.val | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 32 | 38 |
P3:A.val | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
P4:B.val | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 32 | 38 |
P5:B.val | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
P6:C.val | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 32 | 38 |
P7:C.val | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
SearchSpace | 55.667.644.000 |
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Kovačević, Ž.; Mernik, M.; Ravber, M.; Črepinšek, M. From Grammar Inference to Semantic Inference—An Evolutionary Approach. Mathematics 2020, 8, 816.
Kovačević Ž, Mernik M, Ravber M, Črepinšek M. From Grammar Inference to Semantic Inference—An Evolutionary Approach. Mathematics. 2020; 8(5):816.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKovačević, Željko, Marjan Mernik, Miha Ravber, and Matej Črepinšek. 2020. "From Grammar Inference to Semantic Inference—An Evolutionary Approach" Mathematics 8, no. 5: 816.
APA StyleKovačević, Ž., Mernik, M., Ravber, M., & Črepinšek, M. (2020). From Grammar Inference to Semantic Inference—An Evolutionary Approach. Mathematics, 8(5), 816.