Hypercorrection as a Symptom of Language Change: Majorcan Catalan Standard Pronunciation
:1. Outset
2. Introduction
3. Materials and Methods
- (a)
- In sample 485, fragment 4, a label “4.2.5” has been applied to word “treballadors” (“workers”) after listening to pronunciation [tɾəβəʎəˈðos]. Here, “4.2.5” stands for subsection “4.2.5 Lateral consonants” in the grammar. It can be found there that in Balearic Catalan, a palatal glide ([j]) is found instead of a lateral palatal consonant ([ʎ]) when the Latin etym produces one of the clusters LI, T’L, K’L, G’L (PALEAM > PALIAM > [ˈpajə]) except for in the highest registers, where [ʎ] is produced. Qualifier 1 has been applied to the label because the pronunciation observed matches the register ascription of the phenomena described in the grammar.
- (b)
- In sample 491, fragment 1579 received label “” for the pronunciation of word “seixanta-tres” ([ʃiˌʃantəˈtɾəs] ‘sixty-three’). Section in the Gramàtica de la Llengua Catalana states that the closing of schwa into [i] caused by a postalveolar consonant (as [ʃ] in seixanta [səˈʃantə] > [ʃəˈʃantə] > [ʃiˈʃantə]) can occur in colloquial registers, but it is rejected in formal speech. According to the general style of the recorded speech act, the label applied received a qualifying 2 (“contrary to prediction”).
4. Three Cases of Hypercorrect Pronunciation
4.1. The Data
4.1.1. Assimilation of Point of Articulation of Coda Stops to a Following Consonant
- [pɾotəkˈsjo] (protecció ‘protection’) instead of the expected [pɾotətsiˈo]
- [ələkˈsjons] (eleccions ˈelection’) instead of the expected [ələtsiˈons]
- [rəktoˈɾat] (rectorat ‘vice-chancellor’s office’) instead of the expected [rəttoˈɾat]
- [səkˈto] (sector ‘sector’) instead of the expected [sətˈto]
- [məɡˈnɛtikes] (magnètiques ‘magnetic (fem. pl.)’ instead of the expected [mənˈnɛtikes]
- [əbdikəˈsjo] (abdicació ‘abdication’) instead of the expected [əddikəsiˈo]5
4.1.2. Dissimilation of Sibilants
- tres senyors ‘three gentleman’ [ˌtɾət͡sːəˈɲos] (standard Catalan [ˌtɾɛsəˈɲos])
- noves zonificacions ‘new (fem. pl.) zonings’ [ˌnɔvəd͡zːonifikəsiˈons] (st. Cat. [ˌnɔvəzunifikəsiˈons])
- desxifrar ‘to decipher’ [dət͡ʃːiˈfɾa] (st. Cat. [dəʃiˈfɾa])
- dos gelats ‘two ice-creams’ [dod͡ʒːəˈlat͡s] (st. Cat. [doʒəˈlat͡s])
- (1): plaques solars ‘solar panels’ ([tt͡s]), disciplines ‘disciplines’ ([tt͡s])
- (2): braços sostindran ‘arms will hold’ ([s])
4.1.3. Stressed Schwa
- ‘Ara el veurem, en color verd’ [Now we shall see it in green], with verd ‘green (masc. pl.)’ producing an /ə́/, and veurem producing an /é/ where /ə́/ was expected.
4.2. Beyond the Data
4.2.1. Assimilation in Point of Articulation of Coda Stops to a Following Consonant
“No són recomanables:[…]
4.2.2. Dissimilation of Sibilants
L’africació, característica de parlars baleàrics, que es produeix per contacte entre la sibilant final d’un mot i la sibilant inicial del mot següent: tretsenyores per tres senyores, dotxuts per dos xuts” [(Pronunciations) disapproved: (…) affrication, characteristic of the Balearic dialects, occuring by contact between the final sibilant of one word and the initial sibilant of the next word: tretsenyores for tres senyores ‘three ladies’, dotxuts for dos xuts ‘two shots’] (Institut d’Estudis Catalans 1990, p. 24).“No són recomanables:(…)
4.2.3. Stressed Schwa
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | “el mallorquí té almenys l’avantatge de ser molt poc dúctil a les influències forasteres, i sovint contribueix molt a guiar-nos” [“Majorcan (Catalan) has the advantage of being very little ductile to foreign influences and it often is a great help to us”] (Coromines 1971, p. 82). |
2 | This is not to say that standardisation proposals issued by the central language authority (Institut d’Estudis Catalans) are not neutral or ‘compositional’ enough. My point here is not on explicit codification (except for the sake of contrast when needed), but on actual usage description. |
3 | The terms ‘endoglossic’/’exoglossic’ describe the relation of a standard variety to a group of vernaculars: “In a Type Zero repertoire, there is no endoglossic standard variety at all; rather, the standard variety is imported and not considered by its users to be a variety which is structurally related to the vernaculars. This was the case for the most important pre-modern exoglossic European standard language–Latin–and of colonial exoglossic standards (such as English in Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar at different stages of their history); it was also the case for minority languages within the European nation states before they introduced endoglossic standards which came to be used in addition to the exoglossic ones” (Auer 2011, p. 487). |
4 | “Hypercorrect” can stand for a form overgenerated by analogy, or for a mismatch between form and pragmatic situation. It is used here mainly in this second sense, applying to the abandon of correct forms in favour of more general ones. |
5 | For ‘protecció’, ‘eleccions’, and ‘abdicació’, the transcriptions are meant to illustrate the assimilation of consonants. Hiatus/diphthong differences also appear (hiatus belonging to more traditional and accurate pronunciation). |
6 | I use here “stressed schwa” as a shortcut term for ‘stressed mid-central unrounded vowel (/ə́/)’. |
7 | “In a diaglossic repertoire, dialect-to-standard advergence leads to the formation of intermediate varieties between the dialects (in particular, the base dialects) and the standard variety; these intermediate varieties are referred to by the term REGIOLECTS” (Cerruti and Regis 2014, p. 90). |
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Dols, N. Hypercorrection as a Symptom of Language Change: Majorcan Catalan Standard Pronunciation. Languages 2022, 7, 57. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7010057
Dols N. Hypercorrection as a Symptom of Language Change: Majorcan Catalan Standard Pronunciation. Languages. 2022; 7(1):57. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7010057
Chicago/Turabian StyleDols, Nicolau. 2022. "Hypercorrection as a Symptom of Language Change: Majorcan Catalan Standard Pronunciation" Languages 7, no. 1: 57. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7010057
APA StyleDols, N. (2022). Hypercorrection as a Symptom of Language Change: Majorcan Catalan Standard Pronunciation. Languages, 7(1), 57. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7010057