
24–28 August 2020, Murighiol, Danube Delta, Romania
10th Ticks and Tick-borne Pathogen Conference (TTP 10)

The Tick and Tick-Borne Pathogen Conference is the biggest scientific event in the field and is organized every 3 years. We are pleased to host the 10th Tick and Tick Borne Pathogen Conference in one of the most well-preserved wetland in the world, the unique landscape Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

The conference will be held at Puflene Resort in Murighiol, Danube Delta, Romania between 24 and 28 August 2020 and is organized by the Department of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romania in collaboration with the Danube Delta Research Institute in Tulcea.

Prominent scientists worldwide have already accepted to act as keynote speakers or plenary speakers. Among them: Agustin Estrada Pena (Spain), Kelly A Brayton (USA), Steve Barker (Australia), Janet Foley (USA), Jose de la Fuente (Spain), Richard Wall (UK), Gad Baneth (Israel), Monica Florin Christensen (Argentina)

The scientific topics cover taxonomy and evolution, genetics and genomics, ecology and epidemiology, spatial modelling, diagnosis and treatment, immunity and vaccines, infection and pathogenesis. In addition to the technical program, various other social activities are organized: birdwatching and sightseeing, boat trips, photo contests, fishing contest etc.

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