
27–29 October 2019, Ghent, Belgium
2019 ISV Annual Congress

The ISV Annual Congress is the world’s largest non-commercial scientific conference for basic and clinical researchers interested in vaccines and the underlying sciences, with broad coverage of topics related to vaccines and immunotherapies ranging from basic research through manufacturing and clinical trials for human and veterinary vaccines encompassing infectious diseases and cancer. The conference provides a platform to exchange ideas through lively discussions led by session chairs and through vibrant interactive poster sessions among the attendees. Gender balance of session chairs and speakers as well as balance of the career stage of speakers is strongly supported. A further attribute is inclusion of a high percentage of speakers selected from submitted abstracts, in addition to the invited keynote speakers. Special efforts are made to help trainees advance their careers with a career development panel discussion, feedback of poster presentations by senior scientists, and ISV’s mentoring program. The ISV General Membership Meeting is held as part of the Annual Congress to determine key ISV policies and elect members of the ISV Executive Board. Participation in ISV is an excellent way to increase your scientific network and visibility. In addition to representation from the global and regional vaccine groups such as the Korean Vaccine Society (KVS) and the Japanese Society of Vaccines (JSV), the ISV China branch will also join the Congress.

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