
16–18 September 2020, Trieste, Italy
1st Italian-French-German Joint Meeting

Conference description: The 1st Italian-French-German Joint Meeting on “Natural Toxins: Threats and Treats” will be held on September 16–18, 2020 in Trieste, Italy, under the hosting of the SITOX “Natural Toxins“ scientific group. This Joint Meeting will also be the 3rd SITOX Meeting on Natural Toxins, the 27th SFET Meeting on Toxinology, and the 1st GTS Meeting on Biological Toxins. As so, it will gather international scientists who will present their latest works on toxins produced by bacteria, algae, moulds/fungi, invertebrates, vertebrates and others. Presentations will include a plenary lecture by Cesare MONTECUCCO (University of Padua, Italy), full lectures by leading scientists in the field, and shorter lectures selected from submitted abstracts. Considering your interest on Natural Toxins, we invite you to join us in Trieste and submit a presentation of your work as an oral communication or a poster.

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