
8–13 September 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina
20th World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology

For this particular congress we have designed a novel program focusing on several new elements. This will include an in-depth look at how toxinology has impacted public health throughout the world and how we can do more to help those in the field. In addition to the canonical presentations highlighting recent developments in toxinology we will explore how different toxins affect the same organ or organ systems with the aim of better informing the pathophysiology of toxins and organ systems. Clinical sessions covering a number of important and emerging issues will be presented. Finally, in keeping with our recent traditions we will have student-led poster and speaking sessions. We have also built into the program an opportunity to explore beautiful Buenos Aires on your own and on Friday we will offer an optional excursion for you to enjoy a real taste and hospitality of Buenos Aires and Argentina.

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