
8–11 March 2021, Bari, Italy
The Mycokey 2020 International Conference

Due to the COVID-19 emergency, we decided to hold the Final MycoKey Conference on-line, on 19-21 October 2020. It will be basically focused on presentations related to scientific results of the MycoKey Project, integrated by Keynote speakers for few selected topics. We organized a three morning meeting on line and with streaming allowing free access to everybody would like to follow the presentations. All of you are invited to join the on-line Conference freely!

Meanwhile, we have strong confidence that early next year the physical Meeting will be still possible. The possibility of having again the chance to scientifically interact alive, to keep our networking, and share again social time together, persuaded us to confirm the physical Conference. Moreover, an ISM conference in Europe is missing since long time, and Bari meeting will be a strong possibility to relaunch ISM networking interaction.

The physical ISM-MycoKey conference will be held from 8 to 11 March 2021, keeping same venue and basically same program and organization, with possible little changes related to key-note speakers and participants confirmation.

Looking forward to meet you at the MycoKey Conference on-line and to see in a great number in Bari next March, we thank very much you for your attention.

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