10th Anniversary

Processes (ISSN 2227-9717) provides an advanced platform for process/system-related research in the chemistry, biology, material, energy, environment, food, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and allied engineering fields. The year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of Processes. In the past ten years, Processes has published more than 8000 papers from more than 30,900 authors. More than 19,300 reviewers have submitted at least one review report. We value the contributions made by both our authors and reviewers. To celebrate this 10th anniversary, we are arranging a series of special content and events. We hope you can join us in celebrating this milestone for our journal and enjoy the collection below.

Best Wishes from the Editors

Journal History

View the 10-year timeline infographic here. Trace the development of Processes from its origins with remarkable events.

The inaugural issue was released. Processes was published as a quarterly journal.

Processes was indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

Processes was indexed in Scopus.

Processes was indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)—Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics).

Processes announced the first edition of its Travel Award.

Processes adopted a monthly publication schedule.

Processes received its first Journal Impact Factor (1.279).

Processes was indexed in the LAPSE—Living Archive for Process Systems Engineering.

Processes became an affiliated journal of the Systems and Control Division of the Chemical Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE).

Processes established the following sections:

  • Chemical Systems;
  • Biological Systems;
  • Materials Processes;
  • Computational Methods;
  • Other Topics.


Processes became an affiliated journal of the Brazilian Association of Chemical Engineering (ABEQ).

Processes received its first CiteScore (2.05).

Processes announced the first editions of the Young Investigator Award, Outstanding Reviewer Award, and Best Paper Award.

Processes established the following sections:

  • Pharmaceutical Processes;
  • Food Processes;
  • Energy Systems;
  • Computational Methods was renamed as Process Control and Supervision;
  • Other Topics was renamed as Advanced Digital and Other Processes.


Processes announced the first edition of the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award.

Processes published its 5,000th paper.

Processes established the following sections:

  • Catalysis Enhanced Processes;
  • Separation Processes;
  • Particle Processes;
  • Manufacturing Processes and Systems;
  • Automation Control Systems;
  • Chemical Systems was renamed as Chemical Processes and Systems;
  • Biological Systems was renamed as Biological Processes and Systems;
  • Green Processes was renamed as Environmental and Green Processes.

Processes held the e-conference “The 1st International Electronic Conference on Processes: Processes System Innovation”.

Processes received a CiteScore of 3.5 for the year 2021.

Processes received an Impact Factor of 3.352 for the year 2021.

From 2020 until now, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Cravotto

Celebration Activities

Processes 2023 Travel Award

We are pleased to announce that Processes will be granting the Travel Award to two junior scientists. This award provides financial support for the winners to attend an international conference in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, materials, or related process/systems engineering to be held in 2023 in order to hold a presentation, present a poster, or both.

We are pleased to announce the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Processes: Process Engineering—Current State and Future Trends (ECP 2023), which will be hosted online from 17 to 31 May 2023.

ECP 2023 will be free of charge for presenters and visitors. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the conference committee. As a sponsor, Processes would like to award the best presented paper, as selected by all the conference committees. The award will consist of a prize of CHF 500. We look forward to posting your contributions.

Processes 2023 Anniversary Best Paper Award

In 2023, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of our journal Processes. In recognition of our authors’ continued support, Processes is pleased to launch the “Processes 2023 Best Paper Award for Anniversary Special Issues”, which will be granted to the best papers published in these Special Issues from 1 January 2023 to 31 November 2023.

Processes 2023 Young Investigator Award

We are pleased to announce that Processes is now inviting nominations for the Processes 2023 Young Investigator Award. This prize will be given to one young investigator in recognition of their excellence in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, materials, or related process/systems engineering research.

Processes 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award

On behalf of the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Cravotto, we wish to acknowledge our reviewers, who so generously offer their time to review the papers submitted to Processes, by presenting an award to the reviewers who have demonstrated their dedication, professionalism, and timeliness in reviewing manuscripts for Processes.

LinkedIn and Twitter

Visit Twitter and LinkedIn using #Processes 10th to share your story with Processes.

Anniversary Special Issues

Features, Reviews and Perspectives for the 10th Anniversary of Processes submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 16 articles | Viewed by 34985 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section Advanced Digital and Other Processes)
10th Anniversary of Processes: Women's Special Issue Series submission deadline 30 Sep 2023 | 32 articles | Viewed by 66634
10th Anniversary of Processes: Feature Papers in Chemical Processes and Systems
edited by
submission deadline 28 Feb 2024 | 10 articles | Viewed by 11793
Keywords: chemical systems; chemical industry; oil; natural gas resources; biomass; CO2 and hydrogen; complex chemical systems; multiscaled digital twins; catalyst material discovery; real-time optimization
(This special issue belongs to the Section Chemical Processes and Systems)
10th Anniversary of Processes: Design of the Chemical Industry of the Future
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 7 articles | Viewed by 10004 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section Chemical Processes and Systems)
10th Anniversary of Processes: Recent Advances in Environmental and Green Processes
edited by
submission deadline 10 Oct 2023 | 22 articles | Viewed by 34001
Keywords: waste; wastewater; gas treatment; odors; composting; anaerobic digestion; soil bioremediation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental and Green Processes)
10th Anniversary of Processes: Recent Advances in Food Processing Processes submission deadline 30 Apr 2024 | 17 articles | Viewed by 37656
Keywords: emerging technologies; sustainable food processing; energy-saving technologies; food quality; waste reduction; food by-products processing; minimally processed food
(This special issue belongs to the Section Food Process Engineering)
Processes in 2023 submission deadline 31 Dec 2023 | 14 articles | Viewed by 21438
Keywords: processes and systems; materials; catalysis; environmental and green processes process control; automation controls; food; pharmaceuticals; treatment; manufacturing

Special Issue Collection

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