Society Collaborations

If you are a member of any of the following societies, please reach out to your society representative to learn more about the benefits of publishing with us, including discounts on article processing charges (APC).

Affiliated Societies

Brazilian Association of Chemical Engineering (ABEQ)

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The Brazilian Association of Chemical Engineering (ABEQ) is a non-profit entity that brings together professionals and companies interested in the development of Chemical Engineering in Brazil. It is affiliated to the Inter-American Confederation of Chemical Engineering. For more than four decades, ABEQ has played an important role in the valuation of professionals and students of chemical engineering in Brazil.

Systems and Control Division of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE S&C Division)

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The Systems and Control Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada consists of researchers, professionals, and students who are interested in process systems engineering, process control, process design, optimization, and statistical methods relating to process systems. Our division meetings take place yearly at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering.

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