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25–26 September 2015, Barcelona, Spain
2nd International Congress on Chocolate and Cocoa in Medicine

On behalf of the International Society of Chocolate and Cocoa in Medicine (ISCHOM), it is a great pleasure to announce the second International Congress on Chocolate and Cocoa in Medicine to be held in Barcelona on 25 and 26 September, 2015.

As with the First Congress held in Florence last September, we would like to share and update the current knowledge concerning the health properties of cocoa and chocolate, and to bring together researchers and companies in order to strengthen the knowledge in this field. All disciplines concerning human health are welcome; topics will range from nutrition to cardiovascular, antioxidant or gastrointestinal systems, to cancer prevention, dermatology, obstetrics, gynaecology, psychiatry, etc. The meeting will be distinguished by its multidisciplinarity and will represent a forum of discussion on the healthy features of cocoa and its derivatives in several fields, allowing those evidences available today, including any controversial aspects, to be debated, opening up new fields of investigation and interest.

We invite you to the historical building of the University of Barcelona, situated in the downtown of our cosmopolitan, open-minded, warm and Mediterranean city. Barcelona and Catalonia are home to many industries, including manufacturers of chocolate products, who will also be welcomed to our meeting.

We are very much looking forward to meeting anyone who is a specialist, or who has an interest in any aspect of chocolate or cocoa, in order to remind ourselves and reaffirm the reasons why it is called the food of the Gods.

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