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14–16 July 2021, Online
XII International Conference on Immunonutriton

ISIN is a worldwide scientific society for scientists, researchers and other health professionals and students working at, or interested in, the intersection of nutrition and immunology. Our scientific members and experts study the effects and mechanisms of action of food and food components, probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and fatty acids etc on the immune system in health and disease and at all stages of the life cycle. The society aims to help communicate and encourage research and therefore increase knowledge and communication of immunonutrition and also to help interpret and then disseminate this as advice and information for the public and the broader scientific and health professional community.

This year we celebrate the 12th ISIN Conference, which will be held entirely online so people from all over the world can still participate even in the current context. Additionally, within the framework of the conference, there will be a 2-day pre-conference course that will also be virtual, which aims to give a global vision of the basic topics of the sciences that make up immunonutrition research. It is aimed mainly at students, with the idea of giving them a material base so that they can make the most of the content of the Conference.

Keywords: Immunonutrition, Online Conference, ISIN, Research, Students, Health and Disease...

Approx number of participants: 300


Authors of the conference selected papers are invited to submit a full paper to the MDPI Special Issue of Nutrients (Impact Factor IF 4.546; published online by MDPI, Switzerland.

Special issue- New Perspectives in Immunonutrition Research: Studies from the XII ISIN Conference website is:

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