
19–22 September 2022, Leuven, Belgium
5th World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2022)

Jointly organised by the 4M Association, the International Institution for Micro Manufacturing (I2M2) and the International Forum on Micro Manufacturing (IFMM), the Congress aims to unite the worldwide community of micro- and nano-manufacturing experts.

Congress Chair
Sylvie Castagne, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Congress Co-Chairs
Stefan Dimov, University of Birmingham, UK;
Lawrence Kulinsky, University of California, Irvine, USA;
Kuniaki Dohda, Northwestern University, USA;
Dominiek Reynaerts, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Congress Themes

  • Micro fabrication technologies, process chains and process characterisation;
  • Miniaturization of machines and equipment; positioning, motion generation, sensor systems and control;
  • Novel product designs, micro-assembly technologies and micro-handling;
  • Surface engineering and interface nanotechnology;
  • Process modelling and simulation;
  • Processing and characterization of smart materials, energy materials, metamaterials and nanomaterials;
  • Micro and nano additive, subtractive, joining, and hybrid manufacturing technologies;
  • Micro and desktop factory concepts, systems, components and modules;
  • Online monitoring and inspection systems, and smart manufacturing methods;
  • Standardization in micro manufacturing and micro factories;
  • Applications of micro and nano technologies;
  • Emerging micro manufacturing methods and equipment, including those that bridge the nano and macro worlds;
  • Biomanufacturing and biomedical devices.
More details can be found on the following webpage:

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