
9 August 2019
Micromachines Best Paper Awards 2019: Articles Published in Volume 9 Are Eligible

With our inaugural Issue published in 2010, 2019 marks Micromachines tenth anniversary. To acknowledge the authors’ support and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishment, the editorial board is proud to announce the Micromachines Best Paper Award 2019. We hope this award will encourage the publishing of high-quality papers in the journal.

All papers published in Volume 9 (between 21 December 2017 and 19 December 2018) are eligible to compete for the award. The award committee, which is composed of Micromachines editorial board members, will carefully evaluate the papers according to the rigor of science, the significant contribution to the field, and the originality of the work. Three articles will be selected for the award.

Eligibility for the awards:
Both original research articles and review articles published in Volume 9 of Micromachines.

Selection criteria:
–– Editors seek to recognize innovative or creative papers, with transparent, reproducible, rigorous, and relevant science. The quality and clarity of the presentation will be considered, as well as the potential impact of the paper on its field;
–– Open to all age groups and career levels;
–– Editors will nominate papers for consideration according to the following criteria:
• Scientific rigor;
• Significance;
• Originality.

Three final winners will be selected for the Micromachines Best Paper Award 2019. Each winner will receive a certificate, a cash award of 500 CHF, and an opportunity to publish a paper in Micromachines free of charge (a value of 1400 CHF).

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