Editor’s Choice Articles

Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of the journal.

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37 pages, 34329 KiB  
Technical Note
The Cycle 46 Configuration of the HARMONIE-AROME Forecast Model
by Emily Gleeson, Ekaterina Kurzeneva, Wim de Rooy, Laura Rontu, Daniel Martín Pérez, Colm Clancy, Karl-Ivar Ivarsson, Bjørg Jenny Engdahl, Sander Tijm, Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Metodija Shapkalijevski, Panu Maalampi, Peter Ukkonen, Yurii Batrak, Marvin Kähnert, Tosca Kettler, Sophie Marie Elies van den Brekel, Michael Robin Adriaens, Natalie Theeuwes, Bolli Pálmason, Thomas Rieutord, James Fannon, Eoin Whelan, Samuel Viana, Mariken Homleid, Geoffrey Bessardon, Jeanette Onvlee, Patrick Samuelsson, Daniel Santos-Muñoz, Ole Nikolai Vignes and Roel Stappersadd Show full author list remove Hide full author list
Meteorology 2024, 3(4), 354-390; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology3040018 - 5 Nov 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1747
The aim of this technical note is to describe the Cycle 46 reference configuration of the HARMONIE-AROME convection-permitting numerical weather prediction model. HARMONIE-AROME is one of the canonical system configurations that is developed, maintained, and validated in the ACCORD consortium, a collaboration of [...] Read more.
The aim of this technical note is to describe the Cycle 46 reference configuration of the HARMONIE-AROME convection-permitting numerical weather prediction model. HARMONIE-AROME is one of the canonical system configurations that is developed, maintained, and validated in the ACCORD consortium, a collaboration of 26 countries in Europe and northern Africa on short-range mesoscale numerical weather prediction. This technical note describes updates to the physical parametrizations, both upper-air and surface, configuration choices such as lateral boundary conditions, model levels, horizontal resolution, model time step, and databases associated with the model, such as for physiography and aerosols. Much of the physics developments are related to improving the representation of clouds in the model, including developments in the turbulence, shallow convection, and statistical cloud scheme, as well as changes in radiation and cloud microphysics concerning cloud droplet number concentration and longwave cloud liquid optical properties. Near real-time aerosols and the ICE-T microphysics scheme, which improves the representation of supercooled liquid, and a wind farm parametrization have been added as options. Surface-wise, one of the main advances is the implementation of the lake model FLake. An outlook on upcoming developments is also included. Full article
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20 pages, 2082 KiB  
Decoding the Atmosphere: Optimising Probabilistic Forecasts with Information Gain
by John R. Lawson, Corey K. Potvin and Kenric Nelson
Meteorology 2024, 3(2), 212-231; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology3020010 - 30 Apr 2024
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1302
Probabilistic prediction models exist to reduce surprise about future events. This paper explores the evaluation of such forecasts when the event of interest is rare. We review how the family of Brier-type scores may be ill-suited to evaluate predictions of rare events, and [...] Read more.
Probabilistic prediction models exist to reduce surprise about future events. This paper explores the evaluation of such forecasts when the event of interest is rare. We review how the family of Brier-type scores may be ill-suited to evaluate predictions of rare events, and we offer an alternative to information-theoretical scores such as Ignorance. The reduction in surprise provided by a set of forecasts is represented as information gain, a frequent loss function in machine learning training, meaning the reduction in ignorance over a baseline having received a new forecast. We evaluate predictions of a synthetic dataset of rare events and demonstrate the differences in interpretation of the same datasets depending on whether the Brier or Ignorance score is used. While the two types of scores are broadly similar, there are substantial differences in interpretation at extreme probabilities. Information gain is measured in units of bits, an irreducible unit of information, that allows forecasts of different variables to be comparatively evaluated fairly. Further insight from information-based scores is gained via a similar reliability–discrimination decomposition as found in Brier-type scores. We conclude by crystallising multiple concepts to better equip forecast-system developers and decision-makers with tools to navigate complex trade-offs and uncertainties that characterise meteorological forecasting. To this end, we also provide computer code to reproduce data and figures herein. Full article
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20 pages, 16787 KiB  
Tropical and Subtropical South American Intraseasonal Variability: A Normal-Mode Approach
by André S. W. Teruya, Víctor C. Mayta, Breno Raphaldini, Pedro L. Silva Dias and Camila R. Sapucci
Meteorology 2024, 3(2), 141-160; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology3020007 - 25 Mar 2024
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1340
Instead of using the traditional space-time Fourier analysis of filtered specific atmospheric fields, a normal-mode decomposition method was used to analyze South American intraseasonal variability (ISV). Intraseasonal variability was examined separately in the 30–90-day band, 20–30-day band, and 10–20-day band. The most characteristic [...] Read more.
Instead of using the traditional space-time Fourier analysis of filtered specific atmospheric fields, a normal-mode decomposition method was used to analyze South American intraseasonal variability (ISV). Intraseasonal variability was examined separately in the 30–90-day band, 20–30-day band, and 10–20-day band. The most characteristic structure in the intraseasonal time-scale, in the three bands, was the dipole-like convection between the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) and the central-east South America (CESA) region. In the 30–90-day band, the convective and circulation patterns were modulated by the large-scale Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). In the 20–30-day and 10–20-day bands, the convection structures were primarily controlled by extratropical Rossby wave trains. The normal-mode decomposition of reanalysis data based on 30–90-day, 20–30-day, and 10–20-day ISV showed that the tropospheric circulation and CESA–SACZ convective structure observed over South America were dominated by rotational modes (i.e., Rossby waves, mixed Rossby-gravity waves). A considerable portion of the 30–90-day ISV was also associated with the inertio-gravity (IGW) modes (e.g., Kelvin waves), mainly prevailing during the austral rainy season. The proposed decomposition methodology demonstrated that a realistic circulation can be reproduced, giving a powerful tool for diagnosing and studying the dynamics of waves and the interactions between them in terms of their ability to provide causal accounts of the features seen in observations. Full article
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17 pages, 8923 KiB  
Idealized Simulations of a Supercell Interacting with an Urban Area
by Jason Naylor, Megan E. Berry and Emily G. Gosney
Meteorology 2024, 3(1), 97-113; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology3010005 - 7 Mar 2024
Viewed by 1560
Idealized simulations with a cloud-resolving model are conducted to examine the impact of a simplified city on the structure of a supercell thunderstorm. The simplified city is created by enhancing the surface roughness length and/or surface temperature relative to the surroundings. When the [...] Read more.
Idealized simulations with a cloud-resolving model are conducted to examine the impact of a simplified city on the structure of a supercell thunderstorm. The simplified city is created by enhancing the surface roughness length and/or surface temperature relative to the surroundings. When the simplified city is both warmer and has larger surface roughness relative to its surroundings, the supercell that passes over it has a larger updraft helicity (at both midlevels and the surface) and enhanced precipitation and hail downwind of the city, all relative to the control simulation. The storm environment within the city has larger convective available potential energy which helps stimulate stronger low-level updrafts. Storm relative helicity (SRH) is actually reduced over the city, but enhanced in a narrow band on the northern edge of the city. This band of larger SRH is ingested by the primary updraft just prior to passing over the city, corresponding with enhancement to the near-surface mesocyclone. Additional simulations in which the simplified city is altered by removing either the heat island or surface roughness length gradient reveal that the presence of a heat island is most closely associated with enhancements in updraft helicity and low-level updrafts relative to the control simulation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Numerical Models and Weather Extreme Events)
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20 pages, 4828 KiB  
Frequency and Intensity of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones in East Asia: Past Variations and Future Projections
by Johnny C. L. Chan
Meteorology 2023, 2(2), 171-190; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology2020012 - 3 Apr 2023
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 3921
This paper presents the latest analyses and integrates results of many past studies on the spatial and temporal variations of the annual frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones (TCs) making landfall along different areas of the East Asian (EA) coast. Future projections of [...] Read more.
This paper presents the latest analyses and integrates results of many past studies on the spatial and temporal variations of the annual frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones (TCs) making landfall along different areas of the East Asian (EA) coast. Future projections of such variations based on the past investigations are also presented. No statistically significant trend in the number of landfalling TCs could be identified in most of the EA coastal regions, except for an increasing one in Vietnam and a decreasing one in South China. Multi-decadal as well as interannual variations in the frequency of landfalling TCs are prevalent in almost all the EA coastal regions. Only TCs making landfall in Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula showed an increase in landfall intensity, with no trend in the other regions. Nevertheless, more intense landfalling TCs were evident in most regions during the past two decades. Multidecadal variations were not observed in some regions although interannual variations remained large. Various oscillations in the atmospheric circulation and the ocean conditions can largely explain the observed changes in the frequency and intensity of landfalling TCs in different regions of the EA coast. In the future, most climate models project a decrease in the number of TCs making landfall but an increase in the intensity of these TCs in all the EA coastal regions, especially for the most intense ones. Full article
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22 pages, 503 KiB  
A Simple Family of Tropical Cyclone Models
by Wayne H. Schubert, Richard K. Taft and Christopher J. Slocum
Meteorology 2023, 2(2), 149-170; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology2020011 - 28 Mar 2023
Viewed by 2512
This review discusses a simple family of models capable of simulating tropical cyclone life cycles, including intensification, the formation of the axisymmetric version of boundary layer shocks, and the development of an eyewall. Four models are discussed, all of which are axisymmetric, f [...] Read more.
This review discusses a simple family of models capable of simulating tropical cyclone life cycles, including intensification, the formation of the axisymmetric version of boundary layer shocks, and the development of an eyewall. Four models are discussed, all of which are axisymmetric, f-plane, three-layer models. All four models have the same parameterizations of convective mass flux and air–sea interaction, but differ in their formulations of the radial and tangential equations of motion, i.e., they have different dry dynamical cores. The most complete model is the primitive equation (PE) model, which uses the unapproximated momentum equations for each of the three layers. The simplest is the gradient balanced (GB) model, which replaces the three radial momentum equations with gradient balance relations and replaces the boundary layer tangential wind equation with a diagnostic equation that is essentially a high Rossby number version of the local Ekman balance. Numerical integrations of the boundary layer equations confirm that the PE model can produce boundary layer shocks, while the GB model cannot. To better understand these differences in GB and PE dynamics, we also consider two hybrid balanced models (HB1 and HB2), which differ from GB only in their treatment of the boundary layer momentum equations. Because their boundary layer dynamics is more accurate than GB, both HB1 and HB2 can produce results more similar to the PE model, if they are solved in an appropriate manner. Full article
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13 pages, 6877 KiB  
Changes in the Seasonality of Fire Activity and Fire Weather in Portugal: Is the Wildfire Season Really Longer?
by Pedro Silva, Miguel Carmo, João Rio and Ilda Novo
Meteorology 2023, 2(1), 74-86; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology2010006 - 2 Feb 2023
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 3810
The length of the fire season has not garnered much attention within the broad field of meteorological research on fire regime change. Fire weather research on the Iberian Peninsula is no exception in this case; there is no solid understanding on fire season [...] Read more.
The length of the fire season has not garnered much attention within the broad field of meteorological research on fire regime change. Fire weather research on the Iberian Peninsula is no exception in this case; there is no solid understanding on fire season lengthening in Portugal, although recent decades do suggest ongoing transitions. Based on a complete record of fire occurrence and burned area between 1980 and 2018, we first searched for consistent trends in the monthly distribution of fire activity. To determine day-scale changes, an exceedance date method based on annual cumulative burned area was developed. Results show an early onset of fire activity in a range of 23–50 days and no significant extension into autumn, suggesting that existing projections of the lengthening of the fire season in Portugal over the present century have been already achieved. Fire weather results show a trend in the cumulative Daily Severity Rating (DSR), with the last two decades (2000–2018) displaying an early build-up of meteorological fire danger in late spring and early summer. The detailed spatio-temporal analysis based on the daily Fire Weather Index (FWI) shows that June stands out with the largest increase (year-round) in days per month with an FWI above 38.3, the threshold above which fire conditions make suppression uncertain. This aggravated fire weather is likely sustaining early fire activity, thus contributing to a longer critical fire season. Full article
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20 pages, 8478 KiB  
Study of Extreme Cold Surges in Hong Kong
by Man-Lok Chong, Hon-Yin Yeung and Kai-Kwong Hon
Meteorology 2023, 2(1), 52-71; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology2010004 - 16 Jan 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 4503
Temperatures over Hong Kong have shown a marked increasing trend since the 1970s due to global warming and urbanization, but outbreaks of intense winter monsoon can bring very low temperatures in Hong Kong at times. This study aims at establishing criteria of extreme [...] Read more.
Temperatures over Hong Kong have shown a marked increasing trend since the 1970s due to global warming and urbanization, but outbreaks of intense winter monsoon can bring very low temperatures in Hong Kong at times. This study aims at establishing criteria of extreme cold surges that suit the climatological characteristics of Hong Kong. Surges in this study were selected through percentile ranking of three weather attributes of each cold event: the lowest temperature, the largest temperature drop and the maximum sustained wind speed. Out of 152 cold events in 1991–2020, only four significant cold events in 1991, 1993, 2010 and 2016 met the most extreme 10th percentile of the three attributes concurrently and could be classified operationally as “extreme cold surge”. Very cold temperatures (at or below 7.0 °C), a temperature drop of at least 8.0 °C in two days and gale force wind speed (at or above 17.5 m/s) were recorded in all four surges. The results of classification are illustrated by selected cases. As ensemble products of some numerical weather prediction models tend to have a stable indication of extremity of cold events, the potential applications of cross-referencing the forecast and actual extremity in operational forecasting are also discussed. Full article
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14 pages, 3738 KiB  
Airplane Emergency Landing Due to Quick Development of Mesoscale Convective Complexes
by Renata Barros Vasconcelos Leirias, Natalia Fedorova and Vladimir Levit
Meteorology 2023, 2(1), 1-14; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology2010001 - 3 Jan 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2539
Some meteorological phenomena in South America develop quickly and take on large dimensions. These phenomena cause disasters for aviation, such as incidents and accidents. Mesoscale convective complexes (MCCs) forced a commercial airplane into an emergency landing at Ezeiza International Airport in Buenos Aires [...] Read more.
Some meteorological phenomena in South America develop quickly and take on large dimensions. These phenomena cause disasters for aviation, such as incidents and accidents. Mesoscale convective complexes (MCCs) forced a commercial airplane into an emergency landing at Ezeiza International Airport in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in October 2018. The airplane took off from São Paulo (Brazil) to Santiago (Chile) and had to alternate to Ezeiza after encountering unanticipated agglomerations of MCCs along the flight route; its structure was seriously damaged, which affected the safety of the flight. A synoptic and thermodynamic analysis of the atmosphere, prior to the event, was made based on GOES16 infrared satellite data, radiosonde data, maps of several variables such as stream lines, temperature advection, surface synoptic maps and layer thickness from CPTEC/INPE and NCEP reanalysis data. The main observed processes that influenced the formation and development of conglomerates of MCCs were the following: (1) the cyclogenesis of a baroclinic cyclone on the cold front; (2) the coupling of subtropical and polar jet streams; (3) the advection of warm and humid air along a low-level jet stream. Recommendations for meteorologists in weather forecasting and for aviators in flight safety were prepared. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Early Career Scientists' (ECS) Contributions to Meteorology (2022))
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36 pages, 6299 KiB  
The Future of Climate Modelling: Weather Details, Macroweather Stochastics—Or Both?
by Shaun Lovejoy
Meteorology 2022, 1(4), 414-449; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology1040027 - 10 Oct 2022
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 3792
Since the first climate models in the 1970s, algorithms and computer speeds have increased by a factor of ≈1017 allowing the simulation of more and more processes at finer and finer resolutions. Yet, the spread of the members of the multi-model ensemble [...] Read more.
Since the first climate models in the 1970s, algorithms and computer speeds have increased by a factor of ≈1017 allowing the simulation of more and more processes at finer and finer resolutions. Yet, the spread of the members of the multi-model ensemble (MME) of the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) used in last year’s 6th IPCC Assessment Report was larger than ever: model uncertainty, in the sense of MME uncertainty, has increased. Even if the holy grail is still kilometric scale models, bigger may not be better. Why model structures that live for ≈15 min only to average them over factors of several hundred thousand in order to produce decadal climate projections? In this commentary, I argue that alongside the development of “seamless” (unique) weather-climate models that chase ever smaller—and mostly irrelevant—details, the community should seriously invest in the development of stochastic macroweather models. Such models exploit the statistical laws that are obeyed at scales longer than the lifetimes of planetary scale structures, beyond the deterministic prediction limit (≈10 days). I argue that the conventional General Circulation Models and these new macroweather models are complementary in the same way that statistical mechanics and continuum mechanics are equally valid with the method of choice determined by the application. Candidates for stochastic macroweather models are now emerging, those based on the Fractional Energy Balance Equation (FEBE) are particularly promising. The FEBE is an update and generalization of the classical Budyko–Sellers energy balance models, it respects the symmetries of scaling and energy conservation and it already allows for both state-of-the-art monthly and seasonal, interannual temperature forecasts and multidecadal projections. I demonstrate this with 21st century FEBE climate projections for global mean temperatures. Overall, the projections agree with the CMIP5 and CMIP6 multi-model ensembles and the FEBE parametric uncertainty is about half of the MME structural uncertainty. Without the FEBE, uncertainties are so large that climate policies (mitigation) are largely decoupled from climate consequences (warming) allowing policy makers too much “wiggle room”. The lower FEBE uncertainties will help overcome the current “uncertainty crisis”. Both model types are complementary, a fact demonstrated by showing that CMIP global mean temperatures can be accurately projected using such stochastic macroweather models (validating both approaches). Unsurprisingly, they can therefore be combined to produce an optimum hybrid model in which the two model types are used as copredictors: when combined, the various uncertainties are reduced even further. Full article
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12 pages, 6732 KiB  
Challenges in Sub-Kilometer Grid Modeling of the Convective Planetary Boundary Layer
by Jimy Dudhia
Meteorology 2022, 1(4), 402-413; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology1040026 - 10 Oct 2022
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3867
At multi-kilometer grid scales, numerical weather prediction models represent surface-based convective eddies as a completely sub-grid one-dimensional vertical mixing and transport process. At tens of meters grid scales, large-eddy simulation models, explicitly resolve all the primary three-dimensional eddies associated with boundary-layer transport from [...] Read more.
At multi-kilometer grid scales, numerical weather prediction models represent surface-based convective eddies as a completely sub-grid one-dimensional vertical mixing and transport process. At tens of meters grid scales, large-eddy simulation models, explicitly resolve all the primary three-dimensional eddies associated with boundary-layer transport from the surface and entrainment at the top. Between these scales, at hundreds of meters grid size, is a so-called grey zone in which the primary transport is neither entirely sub-grid nor resolved, where explicit large-eddy models and sub-grid boundary-layer parameterization models fail in different ways that are outlined in this review article. This article also reviews various approaches that have been taken to span this gap in the proper representation of eddy transports in the sub-kilometer grid range using scale-aware approaches. Introduction of moisture with condensation in the eddies expands this problem to that of handling shallow convection, but similarities between dry and cloud-topped convective boundary layers can lead to some unified views of the processes that need to be represented in convective boundary-layers which will be briefly addressed here. Full article
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17 pages, 4043 KiB  
Initial-Value vs. Model-Induced Forecast Error: A New Perspective
by Isidora Jankov, Zoltan Toth and Jie Feng
Meteorology 2022, 1(4), 377-393; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology1040024 - 28 Sep 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3884
Numerical models of the atmosphere are based on the best theory available. Understandably, the theoretical assessment of errors induced by the use of such models is confounding. Without clear theoretical guidance, the experimental separation of the model-induced part of the total forecast error [...] Read more.
Numerical models of the atmosphere are based on the best theory available. Understandably, the theoretical assessment of errors induced by the use of such models is confounding. Without clear theoretical guidance, the experimental separation of the model-induced part of the total forecast error is also challenging. In this study, the forecast error and ensemble perturbation variances were decomposed. Smaller- and larger-scale components, separated as a function of the lead time, were independent. They were associated with features with completely vs. only partially lost skill, respectively. For their phenomenological description, the larger-scale variance was further decomposed orthogonally into positional and structural components. An analysis of the various components revealed that chaotically amplifying initial perturbation and error predominantly led to positional differences in forecasts, while structural differences were interpreted as an indicator of the model-induced error. Model-induced errors were found to be relatively small. These results confirmed earlier assumptions and limited empirical evidence that numerical models of the atmosphere may be near perfect on the scales they well resolve. Full article
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22 pages, 2812 KiB  
A Lagrange–Laplace Integration Scheme for Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling
by Peter Lynch
Meteorology 2022, 1(4), 355-376; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology1040023 - 27 Sep 2022
Viewed by 2647
A time integration scheme based on semi-Lagrangian advection and Laplace transform adjustment has been implemented in a baroclinic primitive equation model. The semi-Lagrangian scheme makes it possible to use large time steps. However, errors arising from the semi-implicit scheme increase with the time [...] Read more.
A time integration scheme based on semi-Lagrangian advection and Laplace transform adjustment has been implemented in a baroclinic primitive equation model. The semi-Lagrangian scheme makes it possible to use large time steps. However, errors arising from the semi-implicit scheme increase with the time step size. In contrast, the errors using the Laplace transform adjustment remain relatively small for typical time steps used with semi-Lagrangian advection. Numerical experiments confirm the superior performance of the Laplace transform scheme relative to the semi-implicit reference model. The algorithmic complexity of the scheme is comparable to the reference model, making it computationally competitive, and indicating its potential for integrating weather and climate prediction models. Full article
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23 pages, 13458 KiB  
Theoretical Studies on the Motions of Cloud and Precipitation Particles—A Review
by Pao K. Wang
Meteorology 2022, 1(3), 288-310; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology1030019 - 22 Aug 2022
Viewed by 2713
The theoretical studies on the flow fields around falling cloud and precipitation particles are briefly reviewed. The hydrodynamics of these particles, collectively called hydrometeors, are of central importance to cloud development and dissipation, which impact both the short-term weather and long-term climate processes. [...] Read more.
The theoretical studies on the flow fields around falling cloud and precipitation particles are briefly reviewed. The hydrodynamics of these particles, collectively called hydrometeors, are of central importance to cloud development and dissipation, which impact both the short-term weather and long-term climate processes. This review focuses on the solutions of the appropriate Navier–Stokes equations around the falling hydrometeor, particularly those obtained by numerical methods. The hydrometeors reviewed here include cloud drops, raindrops, cloud ice crystals, snow aggregates, conical graupel, and smooth and lobed hailstones. The review is made largely in chronological order so that readers can obtain a sense of how the research in this field has progressed over time. Although this review focuses on theoretical studies, brief summaries of laboratory experiments and field observations on this subject are also provided so as to substantiate the calculation results. An outlook is given at the end to describe future works necessary to improve our knowledge in this area. Full article
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12 pages, 1288 KiB  
Do Airports Have Their Own Climate?
by William A. Gough and Andrew C. W. Leung
Meteorology 2022, 1(2), 171-182; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology1020012 - 26 Apr 2022
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 6052
Sixty-four airport climate records were examined across Canada. Day-to-day (DTD) temperature variability metrics were used to assess the nature of the local environment. In total, 86% of the airports were assessed as peri-urban, reflective of either their location at the fringe of the [...] Read more.
Sixty-four airport climate records were examined across Canada. Day-to-day (DTD) temperature variability metrics were used to assess the nature of the local environment. In total, 86% of the airports were assessed as peri-urban, reflective of either their location at the fringe of the urban centers or the creation of a peri-urban microclimate by the airport itself. The remaining nine stations were identified using a previously identified metric as marine, or “mountain”, a new category developed in this study. The analysis included a proposal for a decision flow chart to identify the nature of the local climate based on DTD thermal variability. An analysis of the peri-urban thermal metric and population indicated that a peri-urban climate was consistently identified for airports independent of the magnitude of the local population (or urbanization), lending support to the idea of a localized “airport” climate that matched peri-urban characteristics. Full article
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9 pages, 243 KiB  
Climate Uncertainties: A Personal View
by Michael Edgeworth McIntyre
Meteorology 2022, 1(2), 162-170; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology1020011 - 18 Apr 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3794
This essay takes a brief personal look at aspects of the climate problem. The emphasis will be on some of the greatest scientific uncertainties, as suggested by what is known about past as well as present climates, including tipping points that likely occurred [...] Read more.
This essay takes a brief personal look at aspects of the climate problem. The emphasis will be on some of the greatest scientific uncertainties, as suggested by what is known about past as well as present climates, including tipping points that likely occurred in the past and might occur in the near future. In the current state of knowledge and understanding, there is massive uncertainty about such tipping points. For one thing, there might or might not be a domino-like succession, or cascade, of tipping points that ultimately sends the climate system into an Eocene-like state, after an uncertain number of centuries. Sea levels would then be about 70 m higher than today, and surface storminess would likely reach extremes well outside human experience. Such worst-case scenarios are highly speculative. However, there is no way to rule them out with complete confidence. Credible assessments are outside the scope of current climate prediction models. So there has never in human history been a stronger case for applying the precautionary principle. Today there is no room for doubt—even from a purely financial perspective—about the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions urgently and drastically, far more than is possible through so-called “offsetting”. Full article
25 pages, 5766 KiB  
Scaling Up: Molecular to Meteorological via Symmetry Breaking and Statistical Multifractality
by Adrian F. Tuck
Meteorology 2022, 1(1), 4-28; https://doi.org/10.3390/meteorology1010003 - 24 Feb 2022
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3578
The path from molecular to meteorological scales is traced and reviewed, beginning with the persistence of molecular velocity after collision induces symmetry breaking, from continuous translational to scale invariant, associated with the emergence of hydrodynamic behaviour in a Maxwellian (randomised) population undergoing an [...] Read more.
The path from molecular to meteorological scales is traced and reviewed, beginning with the persistence of molecular velocity after collision induces symmetry breaking, from continuous translational to scale invariant, associated with the emergence of hydrodynamic behaviour in a Maxwellian (randomised) population undergoing an anisotropic flux. An empirically based formulation of entropy and Gibbs free energy is proposed and tested with observations of temperature, wind speed and ozone. These theoretical behaviours are then succeeded upscale by key results of statistical multifractal analysis of airborne observations on horizontal scales from 40 m to an Earth radius, and on vertical scales from the surface to 13 km. Radiative, photochemical and dynamical processes are then examined, with the intermittency of temperature implying significant consequences. Implications for vertical scaling of the horizontal wind are examined via the thermal wind and barometric equations. Experimental and observational tests are suggested for free running general circulation models, with the possibility of addressing the cold bias they still exhibit. The causal sequence underlying atmospheric turbulence is proposed. Full article
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