Young Investigator Award

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce that the winners of the Life 2020 Young Investigator Awards are Prof. Dr. Luning Liu and Dr. David E. Olson.

 Prof. Dr. Luning Liu is Chair of Microbial Bioenergetics and Bioengineering and Royal Society University Research Fellow at the Institute of Integrative 
Biology, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. His lab aims to explore the biosynthesis and function of photosynthetic membranes, macromolecular assemblies and protein organelles using interdisciplinary approaches. His long-term goals are to understand the molecular principles underlying the formation and regulation of bioenergetic systems and to harness the knowledge to underpin the engineering of functional biomachineries and the development of a diverse range of biotechnological applications. As PI and co-PI, Dr. Liu has secured GBP 2.8M and GBP 4.5M foundations.

Dr. David E. Olson is Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, as well as at the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis. He received his PhD degree from Stanford University. His research focuses on compound-induced neural plasticity and the development of neurotherapeutics. Since starting his career at UC Davis, he has published several highly influential papers (20 in total). Additionally, he has been awarded 13 grants as the sole PI. He was named a Hellman Fellow and was the recipient of the Jordi Folch-Pi Award from the American Society for Neurochemistry.

As awardees, Prof. Dr. Liu and Dr. Olson will receive an honorarium of 1000 CHF and the opportunity to publish one paper free of charge before 31 December 2021 in Life after peer review.

We want to thank all of the excellent young scientists who applied for this award— their brilliant CVs made the choice very difficult. We would also like to thank all of the Award Committee Members for their thorough evaluation of the applications.

Life 2020 Young Investigator Awards Evaluation Committe

Life 2020 Young Investigator Award
Past Winners


Vincenzo Russo
University of Campania - Monaldi Hospital, Italy
João Lobo
Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto and University of Porto, Portugal

Award Committee

Dr. Koichiro Tamura Chairman
Tokyo Metropolitan University


Luning Liu
University of Liverpool, UK
David E. Olson
University of California, USA
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