Best Paper Award

The Horticulturae editorial team would like to congratulate the winners of the Horticulturae 2018 Best Paper Award, who were chosen by the journal award committee chaired by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Douglas D. Archbold.

The following paper has won the prize:

The Effect of Environment and Nutrients on Hydroponic Lettuce Yield, Quality, and Phytonutrients
Horticulturae 2018, 4(4), 48; doi: 10.3390/horticulturae4040048
Available online:

The winners will receive 500 CHF, a certificate, and an offer to publish a paper free of charge in Horticulturae in 2021.

Please join us in congratulating the winners of the Horticulturae 2018 Best  Paper Award. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our authors for their continued support of Horticulturae.

Kind regards,
Horticulturae Editorial Office

Horticulturae 2018 Best Paper Award

Eligibility and Requirements

– All papers published in Horticulturae will be eligible (Both regular and Special Issue submissions).
Past Winners
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