
12 May 2021
Horticulturae | New Section “Processed Horticultural Products” Established

We are pleased to announce the new Section “Processed Horticultural Products” ( in the journal Horticulturae. Dr. Rosario Paolo Mauro is serving as the Section Editor-in-Chief.

The “Processed Horticultural Products” Section publishes original manuscripts of diverse types related to comparisons of 1) existing methodologies for production of new products from fruits and vegetables; 2) existing versus new methodologies for production of existing products; 3) different sources of crops (e.g., new cultivars) for production of existing products, and how new and/or existing processing methods affect the retention of important biochemical or phytochemical components, general quality traits, long-term storability, food safety, etc., in marketable products.

In particular, we welcome contributions by early career researchers. We also invite senior scientists to serve as Guest Editors of new Special Issues on a single and particular theme of significant and/or growing importance.

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