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2 November 2020
Current Oncology, Canada's Premier Oncology Journal, Published with MDPI from 2021
MDPI acquired Current Oncology (ISSN 1718-7729) in October 2020 from Multimed Publications Inc., who launched the title in 1994, as Canada’s first peer-reviewed journal in oncology.
Current Oncology features papers in all fields of cancer medicine, including radiation oncology, surgical oncology, medical oncology, pediatric oncology, pathology, and cancer rehabilitation and survivorship. It continues to be a trusted source for all members of the oncology community in Canada and abroad.
Coverage in indexing services includes MEDLINE (PubMed/National Library of Medicine), the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Journal Citation Reports, Scopus (Elsevier), EMBASE (Elsevier), and more. Current Oncology's 2019 Impact Factor is 2.257, ranked 185/244 in the 'Oncology' category.
Previously published six times annually, normally with one or two additional supplements, MDPI will continue the schedule of bimonthly publications. The current volume of Current Oncology (v. 27) will be concluded at the end of 2020, at which point MDPI will take over publication of the journal, starting with Volume 28, at the beginning of 2021.
The goal is to greatly expand the journal's global reach, alongside MDPI's flagship Cancers journal, in order to become one of the world’s leading oncology journals.
Website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/curroncol
Contact: Danica Jevtic, Marko Ristic
Current Oncology Editorial Office