
5–9 July 2021, Online
XV European Glial Meeting 2021

We as the organizers of the European Glial Meeting are aware about the still uncertain situation and monitor the development of the pandemic intensively. Until March we had planned a hybrid conference because we wanted to do justice to all interested parties and offer an interactive event, similar to previous Glia meetings.

Unfortunately, now we had to accept that the pandemic development is getting more and more confusing and we will never reach a point of planning certainty. Moreover, the vast majority of you – the delegates – prefer to attend the conference online only, as we could see from the registrations, which we have received until today.

With the majority of delegates participating virtually only, the live event would not have been satisfactory for all those, who would have traveled to Marseille. Most of the presentations would have been streamed online and thus only shown on the screen and the networking opportunities would have been reduced due to the smaller number of participants on site. We would have preferred to have a hybrid conference, but, unfortunately, the situation leaves no alternative to this decision.

The whole organizing team really regrets the situation, but we had to make the decision to have a virtual conference only and thus no face-to-face meeting in Marseille.

The online conference will be organized as follows:

Phase 1 (from around June 28): Pre-recorded presentations of symposia and workshops and posters are available for registered participants
Phase 2 (July 5 to 9): Live plenary lectures; live discussions of symposia, workshops, individual poster discussions via networking tool
Introductory Course: Virtual live event on July 1 and 2.
Phase 3 (until August 31): Presentations and recordings of live idscussions on demand

We are pleased to announce that we could reduce the conference fees for the virtual event. All registred delegates will be informed by email about the next steps appropriately.

We invite you to actively participate in making the European Glial Meeting 2021 a great success in a different format!

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your Organzing Team of the European Glial Meeting 2021

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