
15–20 July 2013, Lucca (Barga), Italy
Cell Death

Cell death is a fundamental biological process, universally required for normal development and firmly established in the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of many diseases. This Gordon Conference will explore the frontiers of Cell Death research, with themes that focus on newly discovered molecules, pathways and mechanisms that specify active forms of cell death in health and disease. The Conference will feature talks and poster presentations on a wide range of topics that span apoptotic signaling networks (e.g. caspase control, Bcl-2 family proteins, mitochondrial dynamics) and non-canonical cell death pathways, including necrosis and autophagy. Invited speakers are recruited from a variety of scientific disciplines, including biochemistry, genetics, structural biology, cell biology, developmental biology, neuroscience and immunology. The Conference will gather established experts who are leaders in the field together with junior scientists, postdocs and graduate students to share discoveries and exchange ideas. Some poster presenters will be selected for short talks. The intimate format and collegial atmosphere of this Conference is designed to enable brainstorming and promote collaborations.

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