
19 July 2022
A Message from the Editors-in-Chief of Batteries—Prof. Dr. Andreas Jossen, Prof. Dr. Seung-Wan Song, and Prof. Dr. Pascal Venet | First Impact Factor: 5.938

To celebrate the first released Impact Factor of Batteries (ISSN: 2313-0105), we are arranging a series of special events and content, including an interview with the Editors-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Andreas Jossen, Prof. Dr. Seung-Wan Song and Prof. Dr. Pascal Venet.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Jossen, Editor-in-Chief
Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology (EES), Technical University München (TUM), Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 Munich, Germany
Research Interests: electrical thermal coupled battery models; performance and lifetime models; battery state of charge and battery state of health determination methods; battery characterization; energy management and battery management; battery safety including models for battery safety; multi-cell storage systems; battery system architecture; battery integration in electric vehicles; photovoltaic systems and portable systems

Prof. Dr. Seung-Wan Song, Associate Editor-in-Chief/SEiC
Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
Research Interests: lithium-ion batteries; post-lithium (magnesium-ion, lithium-sulfur, aqueous) batteries; control and mechanistic studies of SEI stabilization and electrode–electrolyte interface processes; electrochemistry; solid-state chemistry; surface chemistry

Prof. Dr. Pascal Venet, Associate Editor-in-Chief/SEiC
Department of the Ampère Laboratory, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
Research Interests: characterization; modeling; reliability; aging and diagnosis of electric energy storage system (batteries, supercapacitors, capacitors)

We hope you can join us in celebrating this milestone of our journal. We would also like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our Editorial Board Members, Guest Editors, reviewers, authors, readers, and subscribers.

Batteries Editorial Office

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