Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Batteries reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: battery; modeling; state estimation; degradation; state of charge; state of health; state of function; lithium-ion
Interests: Li-ion battery; Li-O2 battery; polymer electrolyte; ionic liquids; electrolyte; transference number; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; lithium anode; electrolyte stability; electrolyte decomposition; composite gel polymer electrolyte
Interests: graphene; carbon gels; CNT; supercapacitors; refractory metals; composites; lead recovery
2. Department of Control Engineering and System Analysis, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Interests: Li-ion batteries; electrochemical modeling; state estimation; parameter identification; fault detection; constrained control
Interests: fuel cell; electric vehicles; electrified transport; automated engine; fuel cells; thermal management; battery management; machine learning; supervisory control
Interests: system optimization; lithium-ion batteries; material development; fiber-optic sensors; sensor development
Interests: modeling, analysis, and control of battery systems in electric vehicles; power system simulation; demand response; load forecasting; partial shading; maximum power point track
Interests: electrochemistry; energy storage systems; lithium-sulfur batteries; nanostructured electrode materials; novel flexible/printable storage devices
Interests: electrochemistry; batteries; electrocatalysis; photoelectrocatalysis; lithium-ion battery; metal-air battery; lithium-sulfur battery; aqueous alkaline battery; fuel cell catalysts
Interests: CNTs; energy storage; batteries; bio-compatible polymer
Interests: energies; betteries; battery technology; lithium ion battery; electric vehicle; solar photovoltaic; solar energy; sustainability; renewable energies; alternate technologies; project management
Interests: batteries; electrochemistry; solid state
Interests: battery management system (BMS); electrical vehicles; motor drivers
Interests: energy storage; energy conversion; multi-scale and multi-physics modeling; mechanics of manufacturing processes; advanced manufacturing; degradation mechanisms; lithium-ion batterie
Interests: new functional derivatives and reagents for molecular design of organosilicon polymers, dendrimers synthesis, chemistry and applications, multi-arms star-like polymers and blockcopolymers design, new trends in polymer chemistry; materials science; lithium-ion batteries and beyond; electrochemistry; chemistry; chemical engineering; solid-state battery; biochemistry; electrode materials; electrolyte additives; hyperbranching; synthesis of organosilicon compounds; macromolecular compounds
Interests: Hybrid Electric Vehicles; NRMM; agricultural machines; lithium ion batteries; Mechanical Design
Interests: battery management system; electric vehicles; renewable energy
Interests: metal oxide anodes and cathodes for Li-ion batteries; photo catalysis; solar cells; water purification and TiO2 carbon/graphene composites
Interests: lithium-ion batteries; Sodium-ion Batteries; Potassium-ion batteries; lithium-sulfur batteries; room temperature sodium-sulfur batteries; flexible batteries; electrode/electrolyte interphases; electrolytes
Interests: Li/Na/K-ion batteries; batteries beyond Li; transition metal dichalcogenide; WTe2 materials chemistry/electrochemistry
Interests: energy storage systems; battery design; multifunctional structures; materials design; scholarship of teaching and learning (sotl)
Interests: distributed generation; energy production; biomass; energy management; carbon capture and storage; applied thermodynamics and heat transfer
Interests: electrochemistry; photochemistry; materials science
Interests: metallothermic reduction reactions; carbon materials; lithium sulfide; second batteries
Interests: solid-state electrolytes; lithium ion batteries; solid-state batteries; first-principles-based computing of material structure and properties
Interests: electrochemistry; energy storage; lihium sulfur battteries; lithium ion batteries; solid state electrolyte; multivalent metal-ion batteries