Topical Advisory Panel
Interests: mechanics; mechanisms; machines; renewable energy systems; wind turbines; solar tracking systems; artificial intelligence; product design and development
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: deep learning; static analysis
Interests: data mining; machine learning; similarity learning; anomaly detection; classification; clustering; random methods; ensemble learning; learning from small samples of data; robust and practical machine learning

Interests: guidance and control; cooperative guidance; nonlinear control; trajectory planning
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: artificial intelligence; quantum computing; machine learning; cyber security
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: measurements and instrumentation; virtual instrumentation; sensors; nanotechnology; digital and analog electronics; digital signal processing; analog signal processing
Interests: lean manufacturing; industry 4.0; operations management; engineering design; production engineering
Interests: industrial engineering and management; ergonomics; operations management; occupational health and safety; sustainability; quality management
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: advanced laser manufacturing technology; laser integrated composite manufacturing technology; process monitoring and rapid material characterization; micro nano materials and devices
Interests: blockchhain; electricity market; optimization; power engineering; smart grid; transactive power system
Interests: mapping; navigation; state estimation optimization
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: advanced sensor design; structural health monitoring; laser processing; sensor and instrumentation
Interests: project mechanical engineer manager in oil and gas companies; thermal management of Li-ion battery packs; thermal and electrical modeling of Li-ion batteries; Li-ion batteries management systems; application or development of battery-enabled power systems; thermal modeling and optimization of solar ponds; gas turbine exergy analysis for oil and gas industries; thermal performance analysis of Li-ion battery (packs) for automotive applications
Interests: operations research; optimization; decision analysis; supply chain & logistics; production & operations management

Interests: military applications; databases; big data; data analysis; enterprise resource planning; geographical information systems; modeling and simulation algorithms; decision support systems
Interests: heterogeneous materials in electronics; composite dispersive materials; periodic material structures; high frequency systems; wireless communication; numerical modeling; wideband finite element method; pulse coils
Interests: power electronics; electric drives; mechatronics; wind energy conversion systems; photovoltaic systems; power electronics applications
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: networked control systems; Markov systems; singular systems; LMI technology
Interests: decision theory applied to engineering; computer aided design (CAD); design for manufacturing and assembly; biomechanics and ergonomic design; design and ethnography
Interests: time series data mining; evolutionary computation
Interests: construction mechanics of hoisting-and-transport, construction, and road machines; manufacturing engineering; mining engineering; mechanical engineering
2. Center for Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City 24301, Taiwan
Interests: big data analysis; deep learning
2. IRAP, Université de Toulouse, UPS, CNRS, CNES, 31400 Toulouse, France
3. Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, Bir El Djir 31000, Oran, Algeria
Interests: spectral unmixing; nonlinear mixing model; nonnegative matrix factorization; hyperspectral imaging; data fusion; hypersharpening; spectral variability
2. State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
Interests: rock mechanics; geological hazard monitoring; surrounding rock support; slope stability
Interests: 5G; internet of things; intelligent transportation system; artificial intelligence; machine learning; deep learning
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: big data; database; OLAP; business intelligence; trajectory data
Interests: system and control; multi-robot systems; cooperative control; human-robot interaction; human-swarm interaction; robotics
Interests: operations research; optimization methods and applications; multiple criteria decision making; decision support systems; modelling
Interests: computational architecture; building information modeling; gamification application; virtual reality in VR, AR, MR, XR; application of digital tools to connect rurals and cities; parametric and digital fabrication; interactive design; HCI and HVRI
Interests: modeling and robust control of induction heating (melting and annealing); modeling and control of a wind turbine (tower vibrations damping); modeling and control in mechanics (vibration damping); modeling and control (including with artificial intelligent) and optimal design in power electronics (converters, rectifier and many others); software innovations in the higher mathematics education (MATLAB, Maple)