
14–16 September 2022, Seville, Spain
XVI Meeting of Plant Molecular Biology

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the XVI Meeting of Plant Molecular Biology, which will be organized in Sevilla, Spain, on 14–16 September 2022.

The Meeting of Plant Molecular Biology (RBMP) is the most important biennial event with the greatest impact on plant research, open to international scientists from academia and industry.

We strongly encourage young researchers to take an active role in their participation. We guarantee an excellent scientific level and invited researchers of international prestige for plenary sessions.

Prof. Diane Bassham from Iowa State University (ISU), Iowa, USA.

Dr. Ana I. Caño-Delgado from Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica (CRAG), Barcelona (Spain).

Prof. Wolf B. Frommer from Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany, and Institute for transformative Biomolecules (ITbM), Nagoya University, Japan.

Please visit our website and register. We look forward to meeting you at the XVI Meeting of Plant Molecular Biology in Seville, Spain.

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