
7–11 July 2013, Lleida (Catalonia, Spain)
9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA)

Precision Agriculture is a multidisciplinary approach to modern agriculture. It is using methods and techniques from other disciplines such as geostatistics, sensors, remote sensing, automation, ICT, etc. to help farmers increase their productions and product quality and reducing at the same time the environmental impact of agriculture. It has been in constant evolution since first developing stages in the late 80s/early 90s.

The size of ECPA meetings (200-250 attendees) allows focusing on specific topics related to all PA practices while discovering what our colleagues are working on, enabling synergies and co-operation. After 18 years, the 9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture will be held in Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) under the auspices of the Universitat de Lleida and the International Society of Precision Agriculture.

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