
25 January 2023, Online
Agronomy Webinar | The Resilience of Grasslands in a Changing World and Their Role in Supporting the Agro-Ecological Transition

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the webinar on the role of grasslands in supporting the agro-ecological transition in a changing world, which will take place on 25 January 2023. The webinar format is designed to facilitate the dissemination and discussion of advances in grassland research and innovation.

Thanks to their rich biodiversity, grasslands can become a lever to address current environmental and agricultural crises. The importance of grasslands for livestock production systems is evidenced by the large agricultural area they cover worldwide, the large number of people who depend on them for income and food security, the high levels of biomass production and biodiversity, and their high potential for carbon sequestration and limited nitrogen losses. These systems are threatened globally by the progressive loss or degradation of grassland areas, with considerable consequences for their sustainability and continued provision of services to society. Moreover, socio-economic constraints often hinder the introduction of sustainable pasture development, especially in developing countries. Ongoing grassland research and innovation help to understand the challenges of sustainable grassland management and to propose tangible solutions. The research also provides the background and context for exploring alternative management practices, including rehabilitation in the face of grassland degradation and rebuilding new cropping systems in conjunction with livestock.

The programme of this webinar will include three special presentations, which focus on important areas where research and innovation are essential to address the challenges described above (see list of presentations below). In addition to the presentations, we will organise a question and answer session to discuss the results presented, as well as future challenges and research needs:

  1. Biogeochemical cycles: learning from natural and semi-natural ecosystems to design sustainable agro-systems (Dr. Sébastien Fontaine)
  2. Sustainable intensification of Mediterranean permanent grasslands, a way of building resilience? (Dr. Victor Rolo)
  3. The resilience of extensive grazing systems under climate change (Prof. Camilla Dibari)

We invite our colleagues from around the world to participate in this stimulating event.

The following experts will be present and talk:

  • Dr. Gianni Bellocchi, Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit (UREP), French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France
  • Dr. Sébastien Fontaine, Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit (UREP), French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France
  • Dr. Victor Rolo Romero, Forest Research Group, INDEHESA, University of Extremadura, Spain
  • Professor Camilla Dibari, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment, and Forestry (DAGRI), University of Florence, Italy

When? 25 January 2023 at 10:00 am CET | 4:00 am EST | 5:00 pm CST Asia

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