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Universe, Volume 4, Issue 10 (October 2018) – 13 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Modelling the present accelerated expansion of the universe without an ad hoc dark energy motivates modified theories of gravity that contain an effective dynamical cosmological constant, causing black holes to be non-asymptotically flat nor stationary. Other fundamental causes include backreaction of Hawking radiation, companions in binary systems, accretion, or quantum corrections. In modified and in Einstein gravity, modelling such dynamical black holes requires a new definition of black hole and the investigation of apparent horizons. Black hole mechanics and thermodynamics become much more challenging and many questions remain unanswered. Cosmological black holes constitute an interesting class of analytical solutions of the field equations of various theories of gravity. Focusing on spherical symmetry, this article reviews these solutions and their apparent horizon histories. View this paper.
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5 pages, 225 KiB  
Conference Report
The Gravity of Light-Waves
by Jan Willem Van Holten
Universe 2018, 4(10), 110; - 18 Oct 2018
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2876
Light waves carry along their own gravitational field; for simple plain electromagnetic waves, the gravitational field takes the form of a p p -wave. I present the corresponding exact solution of the Einstein–Maxwell equations and discuss the dynamics of classical particles and quantum [...] Read more.
Light waves carry along their own gravitational field; for simple plain electromagnetic waves, the gravitational field takes the form of a p p -wave. I present the corresponding exact solution of the Einstein–Maxwell equations and discuss the dynamics of classical particles and quantum fields in this gravitational and electromagnetic background. Full article
30 pages, 533 KiB  
Embedding Black Holes and Other Inhomogeneities in the Universe in Various Theories of Gravity: A Short Review
by Valerio Faraoni
Universe 2018, 4(10), 109; - 16 Oct 2018
Cited by 28 | Viewed by 3460
Classic black hole mechanics and thermodynamics are formulated for stationary black holes with event horizons. Alternative theories of gravity of interest for cosmology contain a built-in time-dependent cosmological “constant” and black holes are not stationary. Realistic black holes are anyway dynamical because they [...] Read more.
Classic black hole mechanics and thermodynamics are formulated for stationary black holes with event horizons. Alternative theories of gravity of interest for cosmology contain a built-in time-dependent cosmological “constant” and black holes are not stationary. Realistic black holes are anyway dynamical because they interact with astrophysical environments or, at a more fundamental level, because of backreaction by Hawking radiation. In these situations, the teleological concept of event horizon fails and apparent or trapping horizons are used instead. Even as toy models, black holes embedded in cosmological “backgrounds” and other inhomogeneous universes constitute an interesting class of solutions of various theories of gravity. We discuss the known phenomenology of apparent and trapping horizons in these geometries, focusing on spherically symmetric inhomogeneous universes. Full article
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19 pages, 357 KiB  
The Cosmological Perturbed Lightcone Gauge
by Maye Elmardi
Universe 2018, 4(10), 108; - 16 Oct 2018
Viewed by 2984
The lightcone gauge is a set of what are called the observational coordinates adapted to our past lightcone. We develop this gauge by producing a perturbed spacetime metric that describes the geometry of our past lightcone where observations are usually obtained. We connect [...] Read more.
The lightcone gauge is a set of what are called the observational coordinates adapted to our past lightcone. We develop this gauge by producing a perturbed spacetime metric that describes the geometry of our past lightcone where observations are usually obtained. We connect the produced observational metric to the perturbed Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric in the standard general gauge or what is the so-called 1+3 gauge. We derive the relations between these perturbations of spacetime in the observational coordinates and those perturbations in the standard metric approach, as well as the dynamical equations for the perturbations in observational coordinates. We also calculate the observables in the lightcone gauge and re-derive them in terms of Bardeen potentials to first order. A verification is made of the observables in the perturbed lightcone gauge with those in the standard gauge. The advantage of the method developed is that the observable relations are simpler than in the standard formalism, and they are expressed in terms of the metric components which in principle are measurable. We use the perturbed lightcone gauge in galaxy surveys and the calculations of galaxy number density contrast. The significance of the new gauge is that by considering the null-like light propagations the calculations are much simpler due to the non-consideration of the angular deviations. Full article
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16 pages, 927 KiB  
Quantum Gravity at the Corner
by Laurent Freidel and Alejandro Perez
Universe 2018, 4(10), 107; - 15 Oct 2018
Cited by 29 | Viewed by 3266
We investigate the quantum geometry of a 2d surface S bounding the Cauchy slices of a 4d gravitational system. We investigate in detail for the first time the boundary symplectic current that naturally arises in the first-order formulation of general relativity in terms [...] Read more.
We investigate the quantum geometry of a 2d surface S bounding the Cauchy slices of a 4d gravitational system. We investigate in detail for the first time the boundary symplectic current that naturally arises in the first-order formulation of general relativity in terms of the Ashtekar–Barbero connection. This current is proportional to the simplest quadratic form constructed out of the pull back to S of the triad field. We show that the would-be-gauge degrees of freedo arising from S U ( 2 ) gauge transformations plus diffeomorphisms tangent to the boundary are entirely described by the boundary 2-dimensional symplectic form, and give rise to a representation at each point of S of S L ( 2 , R ) × S U ( 2 ) . Independently of the connection with gravity, this system is very simple and rich at the quantum level, with possible connections with conformal field theory in 2d. A direct application of the quantum theory is modelling of the black horizons in quantum gravity. Full article
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11 pages, 263 KiB  
Generalization of Nambu–Hamilton Equation and Extension of Nambu–Poisson Bracket to Superspace
by Viktor Abramov
Universe 2018, 4(10), 106; - 15 Oct 2018
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2597
We propose a generalization of the Nambu–Hamilton equation in superspace R 3 | 2 with three real and two Grassmann coordinates. We construct the even degree vector field in the superspace R 3 | 2 by means of the right-hand sides of the [...] Read more.
We propose a generalization of the Nambu–Hamilton equation in superspace R 3 | 2 with three real and two Grassmann coordinates. We construct the even degree vector field in the superspace R 3 | 2 by means of the right-hand sides of the proposed generalization of the Nambu–Hamilton equation and show that this vector field is divergenceless in superspace. Then we show that our generalization of the Nambu–Hamilton equation in superspace leads to a family of ternary brackets of even degree functions defined with the help of a Berezinian. This family of ternary brackets is parametrized by the infinite dimensional group of invertible second order matrices, whose entries are differentiable functions on the space R 3 . We study the structure of the ternary bracket in a more general case of a superspace R n | 2 with n real and two Grassmann coordinates and show that for any invertible second order functional matrix it splits into the sum of two ternary brackets, where one is the usual Nambu–Poisson bracket, extended in a natural way to even degree functions in a superspace R n | 2 , and the second is a new ternary bracket, which we call the Ψ -bracket, where Ψ can be identified with an invertible second order functional matrix. We prove that the ternary Ψ -bracket as well as the whole ternary bracket (the sum of the Ψ -bracket with the usual Nambu–Poisson bracket) is totally skew-symmetric, and satisfies the Leibniz rule and the Filippov–Jacobi identity ( Fundamental Identity). Full article
25 pages, 773 KiB  
Cosmological Bounce and Some Other Solutions in Exponential Gravity
by Pritha Bari, Kaushik Bhattacharya and Saikat Chakraborty
Universe 2018, 4(10), 105; - 12 Oct 2018
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 3015
In this work, we present some cosmologically relevant solutions using the spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime in metric f ( R ) gravity where the form of the gravitational Lagrangian is given by 1 α e α R . In the low curvature [...] Read more.
In this work, we present some cosmologically relevant solutions using the spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime in metric f ( R ) gravity where the form of the gravitational Lagrangian is given by 1 α e α R . In the low curvature limit this theory reduces to ordinary Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian together with a cosmological constant term. Precisely because of this cosmological constant term this theory of gravity is able to support nonsingular bouncing solutions in both matter and vacuum background. Since for this theory of gravity f and f is always positive, this is free of both ghost instability and tachyonic instability. Moreover, because of the existence of the cosmological constant term, this gravity theory also admits a de-Sitter solution. Lastly we hint towards the possibility of a new type of cosmological solution that is possible only in higher derivative theories of gravity like this one. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Bounce Cosmology)
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12 pages, 2292 KiB  
SNe Ia Redshift in a Nonadiabatic Universe
by Rajendra P. Gupta
Universe 2018, 4(10), 104; - 10 Oct 2018
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 2821
By relaxing the constraint of adiabatic universe used in most cosmological models, we have shown that the new approach provides a better fit to the supernovae Ia redshift data with a single parameter, the Hubble constant H0, than the standard ΛCDM [...] Read more.
By relaxing the constraint of adiabatic universe used in most cosmological models, we have shown that the new approach provides a better fit to the supernovae Ia redshift data with a single parameter, the Hubble constant H0, than the standard ΛCDM model with two parameters, H0 and the cosmological constant Λ related density, ΩΛ. The new approach is compliant with the cosmological principle. It yields the H0 = 68.28 (±0.53) km s−1 Mpc−1 with an analytical value of the deceleration parameter q0 = −0.4. The analysis presented is for a matter-only, flat universe. The cosmological constant Λ may thus be considered as a manifestation of a nonadiabatic universe that is treated as an adiabatic universe. Full article
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17 pages, 325 KiB  
Group Field Theory and Its Cosmology in a Matter Reference Frame
by Steffen Gielen
Universe 2018, 4(10), 103; - 2 Oct 2018
Cited by 33 | Viewed by 3078
While the equations of general relativity take the same form in any coordinate system, choosing a suitable set of coordinates is essential in any practical application. This poses a challenge in background-independent quantum gravity, where coordinates are not a priori available and need [...] Read more.
While the equations of general relativity take the same form in any coordinate system, choosing a suitable set of coordinates is essential in any practical application. This poses a challenge in background-independent quantum gravity, where coordinates are not a priori available and need to be reconstructed from physical degrees of freedom. We review the general idea of coupling free scalar fields to gravity and using these scalars as a “matter reference frame”. The resulting coordinate system is harmonic, i.e., it satisfies the harmonic (de Donder) gauge. We then show how to introduce such matter reference frames in the group field theory approach to quantum gravity, where spacetime is emergent from a “condensate” of fundamental quantum degrees of freedom of geometry, and how to use matter coordinates to extract physics. We review recent results in homogeneous and inhomogeneous cosmology, and give a new application to the case of spherical symmetry. We find tentative evidence that spherically-symmetric group field theory condensates defined in this setting can reproduce the near-horizon geometry of a Schwarzschild black hole. Full article
26 pages, 853 KiB  
A Status Report on the Phenomenology of Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity: Evaporation, Tunneling to White Holes, Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves
by Aurélien Barrau, Killian Martineau and Flora Moulin
Universe 2018, 4(10), 102; - 2 Oct 2018
Cited by 39 | Viewed by 9323
The understanding of black holes in loop quantum gravity is becoming increasingly accurate. This review focuses on the possible experimental or observational consequences of the underlying spinfoam structure of space-time. It addresses both the aspects associated with the Hawking evaporation and the ones [...] Read more.
The understanding of black holes in loop quantum gravity is becoming increasingly accurate. This review focuses on the possible experimental or observational consequences of the underlying spinfoam structure of space-time. It addresses both the aspects associated with the Hawking evaporation and the ones due to the possible existence of a bounce. Finally, consequences for dark matter and gravitational waves are considered. Full article
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8 pages, 1878 KiB  
The Belle II Experiment: Status and Prospects
by Paolo Branchini
Universe 2018, 4(10), 101; - 1 Oct 2018
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3751
The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKBenergy-asymmetric e + e collider. The accelerator has already successfully completed the first phase of commissioning in 2016. The first electron versus positron collisions in [...] Read more.
The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKBenergy-asymmetric e + e collider. The accelerator has already successfully completed the first phase of commissioning in 2016. The first electron versus positron collisions in Belle II were delivered in April 2018. The design luminosity of SuperKEKB is 8 × 10 35 cm−2s−1, and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab−1 of data, a factor of 50 more than the Belle experiment. This large dataset will be accumulated with low backgrounds and high trigger efficiencies in a clean e + e environment. This contribution will review the detector upgrade, the achieved detector performance and the plans for the commissioning of Belle II. Full article
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15 pages, 912 KiB  
Inconsistencies of the New No-Boundary Proposal
by Job Feldbrugge, Jean-Luc Lehners and Neil Turok
Universe 2018, 4(10), 100; - 29 Sep 2018
Cited by 62 | Viewed by 4720
In previous works, we have demonstrated that the path integral for real, Lorentzian four-geometries in Einstein gravity yields sensible results in well-understood physical situations, but leads to uncontrolled fluctuations when the “no boundary” condition proposed by Hartle and Hawking is imposed. In order [...] Read more.
In previous works, we have demonstrated that the path integral for real, Lorentzian four-geometries in Einstein gravity yields sensible results in well-understood physical situations, but leads to uncontrolled fluctuations when the “no boundary” condition proposed by Hartle and Hawking is imposed. In order to circumvent our result, new definitions for the gravitational path integral have been sought, involving specific choices for a class of complex four-geometries to be included. In their latest proposal, Diaz Dorronsoro et al. advocate for integrating the lapse over a complex circular contour enclosing the origin. In this note, we show that, like their earlier proposal, this leads to mathematical and physical inconsistencies and thus cannot be regarded as a basis for quantum cosmology. We also comment on Vilenkin and Yamada’s recent modification of the “tunneling" proposal, made in order to avoid the same problems. We show that it leads to the breakdown of perturbation theory in a strong coupling regime. Full article
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19 pages, 892 KiB  
Searching for Stochastic Background of Ultra-Light Fields with Atomic Sensors
by Tigran Kalaydzhyan and Nan Yu
Universe 2018, 4(10), 99; - 28 Sep 2018
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3572
We propose a cross-correlation method for the searches of ultra-light fields, in particular, with a space network of atomic sensors. The main motivation of the approach is cancellation of uncorrelated noises in the observation data and unique pattern the fields leave on the [...] Read more.
We propose a cross-correlation method for the searches of ultra-light fields, in particular, with a space network of atomic sensors. The main motivation of the approach is cancellation of uncorrelated noises in the observation data and unique pattern the fields leave on the cross-spectrum, depending on their nature (i.e., scalar, vector or tensor). In particular, we analytically derive a dependence of the cross-spectrum on the angle between two pairs of detectors. We then confirm obtained angular curves with a numerical simulation. We apply the method to the detection of dark matter and gravitational waves. Full article
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29 pages, 925 KiB  
The Vacuum State of Primordial Fluctuations in Hybrid Loop Quantum Cosmology
by Beatriz Elizaga Navascués, Daniel Martín de Blas and Guillermo A. Mena Marugán
Universe 2018, 4(10), 98; - 22 Sep 2018
Cited by 30 | Viewed by 3505
We investigate the role played by the vacuum of the primordial fluctuations in hybrid Loop Quantum Cosmology. We consider scenarios where the inflaton potential is a mass term and the unperturbed quantum geometry is governed by the effective dynamics of Loop Quantum Cosmology. [...] Read more.
We investigate the role played by the vacuum of the primordial fluctuations in hybrid Loop Quantum Cosmology. We consider scenarios where the inflaton potential is a mass term and the unperturbed quantum geometry is governed by the effective dynamics of Loop Quantum Cosmology. In this situation, the phenomenologically interesting solutions have a preinflationary regime where the kinetic energy of the inflaton dominates over the potential. For these kind of solutions, we show that the primordial power spectra depend strongly on the choice of vacuum. We study in detail the case of adiabatic states of low order and the non-oscillating vacuum introduced by Martín de Blas and Olmedo, all imposed at the bounce. The adiabatic spectra are typically suppressed at large scales, and display rapid oscillations with an increase of power at intermediate scales. In the non-oscillating vacuum, there is power suppression for large scales, but the rapid oscillations are absent. We argue that the oscillations are due to the imposition of initial adiabatic conditions in the region of kinetic dominance, and that they would also be present in General Relativity. Finally, we discuss the sensitivity of our results to changes of the initial time and other data of the model. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Gravity, Black Holes and Cosmology XXI)
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