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Fibers, Volume 9, Issue 7 (July 2021) – 7 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): The effectiveness of externally applied carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) ropes in X-shape formation in the joint area of reinforced concrete (RC) beam–column joint (BCJ) connections is experimentally investigated. Six full-scale exterior RC BCJ subassemblages, three of them strengthened using CFRP ropes, are tested under reverse cyclic deformation. Full hysteretic curves, maximum applied load capacities, damage modes, stiffness, and energy dissipation values per each loading step are presented and compared. Test results indicated that BCJ with X-shaped CFRP ropes exhibited improved hysteretic behavior and ameliorated performance with respect to the reference non-strengthened BCJ specimens. The effectiveness and the easy-to-apply character of the presented innovate strengthening technique are also discussed. View this paper
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30 pages, 3992 KiB  
ANN-Based Model for the Prediction of the Bond Strength between FRP and Concrete
by Alessio Cascardi and Francesco Micelli
Fibers 2021, 9(7), 46; - 6 Jul 2021
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 4006
In the last decades, the uses of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in the structural strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures have become the state of the art, providing a valid alternative to the traditional use of steel plates. These relatively new materials [...] Read more.
In the last decades, the uses of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in the structural strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures have become the state of the art, providing a valid alternative to the traditional use of steel plates. These relatively new materials present, in fact, great advantages, including high corrosion resistance in aggressive environments, low specific weight, high strength-to-mass-density ratio, magnetic and electric neutrality, low axial coefficient of thermal expansion and sustainable costs of installation. In flexural and shear strengthening of RC members, the effectiveness of the epoxy bonded FRP strongly depends on the adhesion forces exchanged with the concrete substrate. When the flexural moment is present, the FRP strengthening is activated through the stress transfer on the tension side, which is guaranteed by the contact beam region to which the adhesive is bonded to the beam itself. Hence, the determination of the maximum forces that cause debonding of the FRP-plate becomes crucial for a proper design. Over the years, many different analytical models have been provided in the scientific literature. Most of them are based on the calibration of the narrow experimental database. Now, hundreds of experimental results are available. The main goal of the current study is to present and discuss an alternative theoretical formulation for predicting the debonding force in an FRP-plate, epoxy-bonded to the concrete substrate by using an artificial neural networks (ANNs) approach. For this purpose, an extensive study of the state of the art, reporting the results of single lap shear tests, is also reported and discussed. The robustness of the proposed analytical model was validated by performing a parametric analysis and a comparison with other existing models and international design codes, as shown herein. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fibres in Construction: Mechanical Modelling and Characterisation)
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26 pages, 12297 KiB  
Seismic Performance of RC Beam–Column Joints Designed According to Older and Modern Codes: An Attempt to Reduce Conventional Reinforcement Using Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
by Alexander-Dimitrios Tsonos, George Kalogeropoulos, Pantelis Iakovidis, Marios-Zois Bezas and Michail Koumtzis
Fibers 2021, 9(7), 45; - 5 Jul 2021
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 8275
An analytical and experimental investigation was conducted herein to examine the cyclic load behavior of beam–column joint subassemblages, typical of both the modern reinforced concrete (RC) structures and of the pre-1960s–1970s existing ones. Seven exterior RC beam–column joint subassemblages were constructed and subjected [...] Read more.
An analytical and experimental investigation was conducted herein to examine the cyclic load behavior of beam–column joint subassemblages, typical of both the modern reinforced concrete (RC) structures and of the pre-1960s–1970s existing ones. Seven exterior RC beam–column joint subassemblages were constructed and subjected to earthquake-type loading. Three specimens were designed according to the requirements of the Eurocode (EC) for ductility class medium (DCM), while the other three specimens possessed poor seismic details, conforming to past building codes. The hysteresis behavior of the subassemblages was evaluated. An analytical model was used to calculate the ultimate shear capacity of the beam–column joint area, while also predicting accurately the failure mode of the specimens. It was clearly demonstrated experimentally and analytically that it is possible for excessive seismic damage of the beam–column joint region to occur when designing according to the current European building codes. In addition, the proposed analytical model was found to be very satisfactory in accurately predicting seismic behavior and in preventing the premature brittle shear failure of the joints. The seventh subassemblage, constructed with steel fiber RC and significantly less transverse reinforcement than that required according to the EC, exhibited satisfactory ductile seismic performance, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed design solution. Full article
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16 pages, 10705 KiB  
Micromechanical Modeling of Anisotropy and Strain Rate Dependence of Short-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics
by Shaokang Zhang, Johannes A. W. van Dommelen and Leon E. Govaert
Fibers 2021, 9(7), 44; - 2 Jul 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 3550
The anisotropy and strain rate dependence of the mechanical response of short-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics was studied using a straightforward micromechanical finite element analysis of representative volume elements (RVEs). RVEs are created based on the fiber orientation tensor, which quantifies the processing-induced fiber orientation distribution. [...] Read more.
The anisotropy and strain rate dependence of the mechanical response of short-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics was studied using a straightforward micromechanical finite element analysis of representative volume elements (RVEs). RVEs are created based on the fiber orientation tensor, which quantifies the processing-induced fiber orientation distribution. The matrix is described by a strain rate-dependent constitutive model (the Eindhoven glassy polymer (EGP) model), which accurately captures the intrinsic response of amorphous polymers. The micromechanical results indicate that the influence of strain rate and that of the loading direction on the yield stress are multiplicatively decouplable, which confirms previous experimental observations. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the yield stress, to a good approximation, can be directly linked to the fiber orientation in the direction of loading. This leads to a new relation that uniquely links the rate dependence of the yield stress to the fiber orientation in loading direction. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Simulation of Short-Fiber-Reinforced Polymers)
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15 pages, 2657 KiB  
Flexural Performance of a New Hybrid Basalt-Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Oriented to Concrete Pipelines
by Zhiyun Deng, Xinrong Liu, Ninghui Liang, Albert de la Fuente and Haoyang Peng
Fibers 2021, 9(7), 43; - 1 Jul 2021
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 3213
The bending performance of a basalt-polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete (HBPFRC) was characterized by testing 24,400 × 100 × 100 mm3 prismatic specimens in a four-point bending test JSCE-SF4 configuration. The type and content of both fibers were varied in order to guarantee different [...] Read more.
The bending performance of a basalt-polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete (HBPFRC) was characterized by testing 24,400 × 100 × 100 mm3 prismatic specimens in a four-point bending test JSCE-SF4 configuration. The type and content of both fibers were varied in order to guarantee different target levels of post-cracking flexural performance. The results evidenced that mono-micro basalt fiber reinforced concrete (BFRC) allows the increase of the flexural strength (pre-cracking stage), while macro polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete (PPFRC) can effectively improve both bearing capacity and ductility of the composite for a wide crack width range. Compared with the plain concrete specimens, flexural toughness and equivalent flexural strength of macro PPFRC and the hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete (HFRC) increased by 3.7–7.1 times and 10–42.5%, respectively. From both technical and economic points of view, the optimal mass ratio of basalt fiber (BF) to polypropylene fiber (PPF) resulted in being 1:2, with a total content of 6 kg/m3. This HFRC is seen as a suitable material to be used in sewerage pipes where cracking control (crack formation and crack width control) is of paramount importance to guarantee the durability and functionality of the pipeline as well as the ductility of the system in case of local failures. Full article
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15 pages, 5341 KiB  
Application of X-Shaped CFRP Ropes for Structural Upgrading of Reinforced Concrete Beam–Column Joints under Cyclic Loading–Experimental Study
by Emmanouil Golias, Adamantis G. Zapris, Violetta K. Kytinou, Mourhat Osman, Michail Koumtzis, Danai Siapera, Constantin E. Chalioris and Chris G. Karayannis
Fibers 2021, 9(7), 42; - 1 Jul 2021
Cited by 52 | Viewed by 6615
The effectiveness of externally applied fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) ropes made of carbon fibers in X-shape formation and in both sides of the joint area of reinforced concrete (RC) beam–column connections is experimentally investigated. Six full-scale exterior RC beam–column joint specimens are tested under [...] Read more.
The effectiveness of externally applied fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) ropes made of carbon fibers in X-shape formation and in both sides of the joint area of reinforced concrete (RC) beam–column connections is experimentally investigated. Six full-scale exterior RC beam–column joint specimens are tested under reverse cyclic deformation. Three of them have been strengthened using carbon FRP (CFRP) ropes that have been placed diagonally in the joint as additional, near surface-mounted reinforcements against shear. Full hysteretic curves, maximum applied load capacity, damage modes, stiffness and energy dissipation values per each loading step are presented and compared. Test results indicated that joint sub assemblages with X-shaped CFRP ropes exhibited improved hysteretic behavior and ameliorated performance with respect to the reference specimens. The effectiveness and the easy-to-apply character of the presented strengthening technique is also discussed. Full article
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16 pages, 4759 KiB  
Optimising the Workability and Strength of Concrete Modified with Anacardium Occidentale Nutshell Ash
by Solomon Oyebisi, Anthony Ede, Hilary Owamah, Tobit Igba, Oluwaseun Mark and Abimbola Odetoyan
Fibers 2021, 9(7), 41; - 1 Jul 2021
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 2926
Strength failure persists both in structural and mechanical analysis. One of its prominent characteristics is the adequate provision for parameters that minimise or maximise strength objectives while satisfying boundary conditions. The previous optimisation of concrete strength usually neglects mix design mechanisms induced by [...] Read more.
Strength failure persists both in structural and mechanical analysis. One of its prominent characteristics is the adequate provision for parameters that minimise or maximise strength objectives while satisfying boundary conditions. The previous optimisation of concrete strength usually neglects mix design mechanisms induced by optimisation. Recent efforts to accurately optimise the concrete compressive strength have factored in some of these mechanisms. However, optimising concrete strength modified with high silica and alumina precursors, and crucial mix design factors are rare. Consequently, this paper optimised the concrete workability and strength, incorporating binding, water/binder ratio, binder/aggregate ratio, and curing mechanisms using the Box–Behnken design approach (BBDA). A waste material, anacardium occidentale (cashew) nutshell ash, was valorised and used at 5, 10, and 15 wt.% of cement. The composites were made, cured and tested at 14–90 d. The results revealed a high precision between the experimental slump and the optimisation slump at 97% R2. In addition, a 5% increase in compressive strength was obtained compared with the target compressive strength. Besides, the correlation between the model equation obtained from this study and predictions of previous studies via BBDA yielded a strong relationship. Full article
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11 pages, 2294 KiB  
Effects of Microwave Treatment in Immersed Conditions on the Mechanical Properties of Jute Yarn
by Felicia Syrén, Joel Peterson and Nawar Kadi
Fibers 2021, 9(7), 40; - 1 Jul 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2585
The versatile bast fiber jute has environmental benefits compared to glass fibers. However, for jute to be used in a composite, the fiber properties need to be altered. This study aims to improve the mechanical properties of jute yarn to make it more [...] Read more.
The versatile bast fiber jute has environmental benefits compared to glass fibers. However, for jute to be used in a composite, the fiber properties need to be altered. This study aims to improve the mechanical properties of jute yarn to make it more suitable for technical applications as a composite. To alter its mechanical properties, jute yarn was immersed in water during microwave treatment. The time and power of the microwave settings differed between runs. Two states of the yarn were tested: fastened and un-fastened. Tensile testing was used at the yarn and fiber level, followed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and microscopy. The treatment result demonstrated the ability to increase the elongation of the jute yarn by 70%. The tenacity was also increased by 34% in the fastened state and 20% in the un-fastened state. FTIR showed that no change in the molecular structure occurred. The treatments resulted in a change of yarn thickness depending on the state of the yarn. The results indicate that microwave treatment can be used to make jute more suitable for technical applications depending on the microwave treatment parameters. Full article
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