
30 January 2019
Six Titles Added in SCIE: Antibiotics, Antioxidants, Brain Sciences, Diagnostics, Photonics and Universe

The six journals listed below have been added into the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in Web of Science. Antibiotics, AntioxidantsBrain Sciences, Diagnostics and Universe are due to receive first Journal Impact Factors in this year's release of the Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics), while Photonics is going to receive a first Impact Factor in 2020.

Thank you to the authors, editors and reviewers involved, for turning these journals into venues for publishing original, state-of-the-art research!


Current Volume


 Antibiotics Logo

Vol. 8 (2019) | articles

microbiology; infectious diseases; antimicrobial agents | more | submit article

 Antioxidants Logo

Vol. 8 (2019) | articles Twitter

antioxidant metabolism; natural and dietary antioxidants; pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics  | more | submit article

 Brain Sciences Logo

Vol. 9 (2019) | articles  Twitter

cognitive neuroscience; clinical neuroscience; developmental neuroscience; molecular and cellular neuroscience; neuroimaging; theoretical and computational neuroscience | more | submit article

 Diagnostics Logo

Vol. 9 (2019) | articles  Twitter

medical imaging; molecular diagnostics; nuclear medicine | more | submit article

 Photonics Logo

Vol. 6 (2019) | articles

optics and optical materials; photonic materials and technology; fibre-optic communication; quantum optics | more | submit article

 JCM Logo

Vol. 5 (2019) | articles

quantum gravity; quantum mechanics and field theory; theoretical particle physics  |
more | submit article

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