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19–21 October 2022, Barcelona, Spain
ICM 2022 | 4th International Conference on Materials: Advanced and Emerging Materials

Dear colleagues, friends, and the wider material science community:

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 4th International Conference of Materials, organized by MDPI’s Open Access journal Materials. This conference will be held in the beautiful city of Barcelona from October 19 to October 21, 2022. The first three editions of the conference were in electronic format, and each was a great success. This has encouraged the organizing committee to take this tradition to the next level by organizing the 4th edition of this conference in Barcelona, where all stakeholders working on various aspects of materials science and material engineering can come together. The aim is to make this event a forum for discussion, knowledge exchange and fruitful interactions among participants in this exponentially growing field.

Stakeholders from academia and industry as well as from governments and research institutes are welcome to join this event and share their findings on various topics related to materials, such as:

  • Materials Characterization
  • Nanotechnology in Material Sciences and Engineering
  • Materials Processing and Manufacturing
  • Soft and Bio-materials
  • Fibers and Membranes
  • Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Materials

We are very enthusiastic about this 4th Materials Conference and are relying on you to make it a successful event.

We look forward to meeting you in Barcelona!

Prof. Dr. Maryam Tabrizian and Prof. Dr. Filippo Berto

ICM 2022 Chairs


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