Conference Reports

Direct-Channel Option of the Forward Slope Increase

Particles 2021, 4(3), 391-396;

The LHC data on the elastic scattering indicate that the forward slope increase is not consistent with the contributions of the simple Regge poles only with the linear Regge trajectories. The dynamics might be associated with unitarization in the direct channel of reaction. We discuss the problems of the Regge model and provide a respective illustration of the direct-channel option.
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Anisotropic Flow Measurements of Identified Hadrons with MPD Detector at NICA

Particles 2021, 4(2), 146-158;

The primary scientific mission of the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at the accelerator Nuclotron-based Ion Collider facility (NICA) (Dubna) is to investigate the properties of strongly interacting matter at high net-baryon densities. The goal of this work is to study the performance of the MPD detector for directed and elliptic flow measurements of identified hadrons by using the realistic Monte Carlo simulations of heavy-ion collisions at energies sNN = 4.5 − 11 GeV.
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Transport Properties in Magnetized Compact Stars

Particles 2021, 4(1), 63-74;

Transport properties of dense quark matter are discussed in the strong magnetic field, B. B dependence as well as density dependence of the Hall conductivity is discussed, based on the microscopic Kubo formula. We took into account the possibility of the inhomogeneous chiral phase at moderate densities, where anomalous Hall effect is intrinsic and resembles the one in Weyl semimetals in condensed matter physics. Some theoretical aspects inherent in anomalous Hall effect are also discussed.
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Reconstruction of Photon Conversions in the MPD Experiment

Particles 2021, 4(1), 55-62;

Spectra of thermal photons carry important information on the temperature of the hot and dense medium produced in heavy ion collisions. Photons can be measured via their conversion into electron-positron pairs in the detector material. In this contribution, challenges in the photon reconstruction are discussed and feasibility studies on photon conversion measurements in the future multipurpose detector (MPD) experiment at NICA are presented. The obtained results indicate good prospects for thermal photon measurements.
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Deep Learning Based Impact Parameter Determination for the CBM Experiment

Particles 2021, 4(1), 47-52;

In this talk we presented a novel technique, based on Deep Learning, to determine the impact parameter of nuclear collisions at the CBM experiment. PointNet based Deep Learning models are trained on UrQMD followed by CBMRoot simulations of Au+Au collisions at 10 AGeV to reconstruct the impact parameter of collisions from raw experimental data such as hits of the particles in the detector planes, tracks reconstructed from the hits or their combinations. The PointNet models can perform fast, accurate, event-by-event impact parameter determination in heavy ion collision experiments. They are shown to outperform a simple model which maps the track multiplicity to the impact parameter. While conventional methods for centrality classification merely provide an expected impact parameter distribution for a given centrality class, the PointNet models predict the impact parameter from 2–14 fm on an event-by-event basis with a mean error of −0.33 to 0.22 fm.
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Resonance Reconstruction in the MPD

Particles 2021, 4(1), 29-36;

The study of hadronic resonance production is an essential part of the physical programs of many heavy-ion experiments. Detailed measurement of the resonance properties is also foreseen in the future Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) experiment at the NICA collider. In this report, we focus on the experimental challenges for the reconstruction of resonances in heavy-ion experiments and examine the MPD capabilities for the reconstruction of ρ(770)0, K*(892)0,±, φ(1020), Λ(1520), Σ(1385)± and Ξ(1530)0.
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Short-Lived Resonances as Probes of the Medium Produced in Heavy-Ion Collisions

Particles 2021, 4(1), 1-10;

Hadronic resonances play an important role in the study of the physics of heavy-ion collisions. In these proceedings, we discuss how the resonances can probe the reaction dynamics, the strangeness production and the properties of the hadronic phase in heavy-ion collisions at center-of-mass energies of sNN = 4–11 GeV. The resonance properties predicted by the general-purpose event generators are found to be very sensitive to the properties and space-time evolution of the medium produced in heavy-ion collisions.
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Critical Behavior of (2 + 1)-Dimensional QED: 1/N Expansion

Particles 2020, 3(2), 345-354;

We present recent results on dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in (2 + 1)-dimensional QED with N four-component fermions. The results of the 1 / N expansion in the leading and next-to-leading orders were found exactly in an arbitrary nonlocal gauge.
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The DsTau Experiment: A Study for Tau-Neutrino Production

Particles 2020, 3(1), 164-168;

For clarifying the validity of the Lepton Universality hypothesis, one of the fundamental statements of the Standard Model, the interaction cross section for all three flavors of leptons have to be known with high precision. In neutrino sector, for electron and muon neutrinos, the interaction cross section is known fairly well, but for tau neutrino only poor estimations exist. In particular, the most direct measurement by the DONuT experiment was performed with rather poor accuracy due to low statistics and an uncertainty of the tau neutrino flux. The DsTau experiment proposes to study tau-neutrino production process and thus to improve significantly the accuracy of calculations of tau neutrino flux for neutrino accelerator experiments. To study reactions providing most of tau neutrinos, the experiment uses a setup based on high resolution nuclear emulsions, capable to register short lived particle decays created in proton-nucleus interactions. The present report is an overview of the DsTau experiment together with some of the preliminary results from the pilot run.
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