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1–30 November 2023, Online
ECMC 2023: The 9th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry

The members of the Scientific Committee are pleased to announce this Call for Participation for the 9th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and to invite each researcher working in the exciting fields of medicinal chemistry and drug-related sciences to share their recent results with their colleagues all over the world.

The conference will cover a wide range of aspects involved in drug discovery and development. Topics that will be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • Small molecules as drug candidates
  • Biomolecules, natural products, phages, and cells as therapeutic tools
  • Biological targets and biomarkers
  • Radiopharmaceutical sciences, radiochemistry, (hybrid) imaging, and nuclear medicine
  • Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
  • Pharmaceutical preparations and drug delivery

Participation in the 9th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry is free of charge for contributors and visitors. Researchers should submit a short abstract (250 words maximum without figures and without references) online at, from now until 24 September 2023. A maximum of three submissions by each research group (any session combined) will be considered. Acceptance will be notified about a week of submission of the abstract. The author(s) will be asked to present their work (in English) in the form of a poster, slideshow, or video using the templates provided by the conference (see Instructions for Authors). All accepted submissions will be displayed online, at, on 1–30 November 2023.

Authors will be invited to publish their work as a review or a research article at a discounted price in a Special Issue of the journal Pharmaceuticals.

The Scientific Committee looks forward to receiving contributions in response to this call and will be glad to provide any further information to interested parties. Questions may be addressed to the Pharmaceuticals Editorial Office at [email protected].

We thank you in advance for your attendance of this conference and look forward to a stimulating exchange.

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