
Journal Browser

Journal Browser


27–30 November 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
13th Tetrahedron Symposium – Asia Edition

Symposium Topics so far include:

  • Sequencing nucleic acids: from chemistry to life sciences and medicine
  • Tuberculosis drug discovery: continuing to fail in good spirits
  • Oligonucleotide-based tools for pharmacology and nano-engineering
  • The future of kinase drug discovery - challenges and opportunities
  • Fragment-based drug discovery: a decade of thinking small
  • Modulation of DNA damage-response pathways in cancer therapy
  • The chemical biology of protein splicing
  • Molecular design for selective recognition and reaction with RNA
  • Target identification for biologically relevant small molecules
  • Direct Transformation of Unreactive ChemicalBonds
  • Total Synthesis as a Vehicle for Interrogating Biosynthetic and Biomechanistic Puzzles
  • Non-traditional Peptide Drug Lead Discovery Accelarated by the RaPID System

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