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30 September–2 October 2020, Jena, Germany
16th Conference of the International Society of Tryptophan Research

Dear Colleagues,

It is a great honour to host the 16th Conference of the International Society of Tryptophan Research (ISTRY).

The conference will be held at Jena University Hospital in Germany, which is located in close proximity to the historical city of Weimar. Both, Jena and Weimar have a prominent role in German history. In particular, Friedrich Schiller and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe used to live and work in this area.

The organizing committee warmly welcomes ISTRY members, young scientists, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and all of our colleagues from related disciplines. The conference will be a platform for the latest research on the amino acid tryptophan as well as on related substances and metabolites. Themes and topics will span from psychiatry and mental health to cancer, immunology, neuroscience, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, clinical diagnosis, nutrition, food science, analytical chemistry and L-
tryptophan metabolism and much more.

The scientific organizing committee is currently planning the conference. We will shortly invite you to submit abstracts for oral and poster sessions. As the conference date approaches we will provide additional information about the program together with more details on how to register.

We are looking forward to hosting an exciting, fruitful and enjoyable meeting in Jena / Weimar, and we encourage your participation.

We hope that this meeting will facilitate international collaborations and will foster new progress in the field of Tryptophan related research.

Kind regards,
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Florian D. Zepf
President of the 16th ISTRY Conference & ISTRY Vice-President/

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