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27 December 2021
Recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members for Metabolites
The journal Metabolites (ISSN 2218-1989) is currently recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members. The main responsibility of these individuals is to regularly provide support to Guest Editors, Topic Editors, and Section Board Members. The responsibilities of the Topical Advisory Panel Members are available to view on the following website:
Metabolites is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of metabolism and metabolomics, published monthly online by MDPI, which is indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, Embase, CAPlus/SciFinder, and many other databases. The new impact factor of Metabolites has increased to 4.932. On the Web of Science, Metabolites ranks 94th out of 295 (Q2) in the category “Biochemistry&Molecular Biology”. The aims and scope of the journal can be found in the aims and scope section on the following website:
The main responsibilities of the Topical Advisory Panel Members include the following:
- Providing regular reviews of manuscripts;
- Setting up at least one Special Issue (SI) in partnership with a senior researcher within two years of being appointed to the role, and proposing a detailed strategy plan for the SI; the topic of the proposal should be within the scope of the journal. The scope of the Special Issue should be broad enough to attract a reasonable number of submissions, but narrow enough to provide a cohesive collection of articles. The Special Issue should only cover a specific part of the scope of the journal;
- Providing a detailed strategy plan for the SI, including assisting in preparing the Special Issue/Topic titles, aim & scope, summary and keywords; soliciting papers; and promoting the SI;
- Providing support for the Special Issues/Topics related to your expertise when the Guest Editor(s) is not available. This includes SI promotion via social media and providing advice on some scientific cases;
- Promoting the journal at conferences (adding 1–2 slides into your presentation, distributing flyers, recommending the journal to your colleagues, etc.), on social media and other relevant platforms;
- Collaborating with the Editorial Board Members or the Editorial Office to promote high-quality/featured papers (for example, writing a summary or highlights of the editor's selected papers).
If you are interested in this position, please send an email to [email protected] with your academic CV to apply. We look forward to hearing from you!