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26–29 June 2019, Crete Island, Greece
7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management

Deadline for abstract submission: 31/12/2018: 11 distinguished keynote speakers announced, 7 collaborating journals, summer school on 24th and 25th June 2019, high networking opportunities, presentations from many H2020, LIFE & INTERREG projects, excursion & site visit to waste management facilities on 29th June 2019, exhibition area, awards for the best papers and posters, brainstorming sessions, such as: «Plastic waste’s impacts minimization» organised with the help of Prof. Nathalie Gontard (INRA), Waste-to-Energy Session organised with the support of the Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT), Circular Economy Session with emphasis on waste management & resource valorization, Anaerobic Digestion Session on the latest developments, Biorefineries & Biotechnology Sessions & many more. It is also a great chance to get familiar with the Cretan hospitality, cuisine & gastronomy, history & civilization, landscape, seas & mountains, etc.

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