18–20 October 2023, Brno, Czech Republic
NANOCON 2023—International Conference on Nanomaterials—Research & Application
October 18–20, 2023, OREA Congress Hotel Brno, Czech Republic, EU
Areas of interest for this conference include nanomaterials: preparation, properties, and characterization; applications of nanotechnologies in industry, environment, medicine, and biotechnology; the impact of nanomaterials on environment and human health; metrology; and standardization of nanomaterials. The 15th International Conference will focus on nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for sustainable energy and environment. Conference papers will be accepted in the form of lectures and poster presentations on five thematic topics.
Conference topics:
Session A—Nanomaterials for Electronic, Magnetic and Optic Applications. Carbon Nanostructures, Quantum Dots;
Session B—Industrial & Environmental Applications of Nanomaterials;
Session C—Bionanotechnology, Nanomaterials in Medicine;
Session D—Monitoring and Toxicity of Nanomaterials;
Session E—Advanced Methods of Preparation and Characterization of Nanomaterials.
NANOCON is a popular conference among novice researchers. The Dr. Tasilo Prnka prize, the conference founder and the promoter of nanotechnology in the Czech Republic, for the best lecture from young scientists under the age of thirty-three will be awarded.
As part of the poster session, the Best Poster Contest will be announced. The first three winners and five honorable mentions will be awarded.
Proceedings of the conference are submitted for indexing in the Web of Science and Scopus databases.