6–9 June 2023, High Tatras, Slovak Republic
The 6th International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange (DSMIE-2023)
The 6th International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange (DSMIE-2023) focuses on research challenges in the fields of manufacturing engineering, materials engineering, and mechanical engineering, addressing current and future trends in design approaches, simulation techniques, and manufacturing technologies, highlighting the growing role of smart manufacturing systems, artificial intelligence, standards-based integration, and innovations implementation to the transition to a sustainable, human-centric, and resilient engineering solutions.
DSMIE brings together researchers from academic institutions, leading industrial companies, and government laboratories worldwide to promote and popularize the scientific fundamentals of engineering. The conference schedule includes keynote sessions and technical sessions, expert panels, an exhibition of industrial partners, and more.
Our Keynote Speakers are Prof. Fazel ANSARI (TU Wien, Fraunhofer Austria Research, Austria), Prof. Michal Wieczorowski (Poznan University of Technology, Poland), Prof. Robert Cep (Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic), and Assoc. Prof. Alexander Hosovsky (Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic).
The working language of the conference (including conference proceedings, presentations, and discussions) is English.
Authors are welcome to submit original and unpublished research articles. All paper submissions to the DSMIE-2023 should be related to the conference topics. Each paper will be peer-reviewed by at least two program committee members and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, originality, completeness, contributions, and readability.