
31 August 2022
Marine Drugs | Eight New Sections Established

In order to further develop different research aspects of the journal, we are pleased to announce that our journal Marine Drugs (ISSN: 1660-3397) has established the following eight Sections:

Additionally, we are currently recruiting Section Editorial Board Members and accepting applications for editorial positions for these eight Sections.

The main responsibilities of Section Editorial Board Members are as follows:

  • Pre-screening and making decisions on new submissions related to the journal Section;
  • Helping to edit a Special Issue on a topic related to the Section (or supervising Special Issues related to your research field);
  • Providing input or feedback regarding journal policies;
  • Helping to promote the journal among peers or at conferences;
  • Attending board meetings to suggest journal development strategies:
  • Reviewing manuscripts.

Please send your application, or any question you might have, to the Marine Drugs Editorial Office ([email protected]).

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