
21 July 2018–26 July 2019, Les Diablerets, CH-1865, Switzerland
Archaea: Ecology, Metabolism and Molecular Biology

These are exciting times for research on the Archaea. Little more than 40 years after their discovery, methodological and technical development is providing unprecedented access to their fascinating and unique biology, with new discoveries unveiled at a stunning pace.

Since 1984, the GRC on Archaea gathers all scientists that share a passion for these microorganisms to discuss the latest developments in the field from a wide range of disciplines including: microbiology, molecular, cellular and structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics, ecology, genomics and evolution. The spectrum of topics discussed in this conference provides the broadest view on archaeal research, and the ideal platform to exchange scientific discoveries and unite them in pursuit of new lines of investigation. For the 2019 conference, each session seeks to place Archaea in a comparative context by emphasizing features of their biology that are unique, or shared, with Bacteria and Eukaryotes, and their impact on the evolving Tree of Life.

According to GRC tradition, this prestigious meeting combines presentations from early career researchers with the global leaders in their fields. A strong emphasis is put on facilitating interactions between young and established researchers. In addition, and in order to provide a specific platform for early-career scientists, this GRC is - for the first time - associated with a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS).

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