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12–14 July 2021, Barcelona, Spain
4th World Congress on Rheumatology and Orthopedics

Scientific Federation will be hosting 4th World Congress on Rheumatology and Orthopedics held in Barcelona, Spain during July 12-14, 2021 with the theme of “New Revolutions and Enrichments of Orthopedics and Rheumatology” Strives to bring many Prominent Speakers, Renowned Scientists, Professors, Deans, Surgeons, Physicians, Medical and Industrial Professionals, Young Researchers, Student Delegates and Business Delegates, along with information-packed Workshops, will full fill the agenda.

Rheumatology-2021 is anticipating participants from 40 and more countries across the globe and the three days conference will provoke Plenary sessions, Keynote talks, Oral and Poster presentations, Exhibition and Sponsorship etc.

Rheumatology-2021 serves as an international platform for meeting researchers from around the world, widen professional contact and create new opportunities, including establishing new collaborations. Rheumatology and Orthopedics-2020 provides you an amazing chance to listen to vary of Healthcare topics across the industry. It's an intimate platform to have interaction along with your peers, hear concerning new trends and innovation and interact with vendors from startups up to established within the same domain. This is often the place to grasp to know about the newest and greatest that's happening around the world to make healthcare better.

We look forward to see you at Rheumatology and Orthopedics-2021 in Barcelona, Spain.


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