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1–15 December 2023, Online
The 1st International Electronic Conference on Vaccines (IECV 2023)—Submission Deadline Extension

Dear Scientists, Researchers, and Authors,

We would like to inform you about the following updates on the schedule dates for the 1st International Electronic Conference on Vaccines (IECV 2023):

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th September 2023
Notification of Acceptance Deadline: 27th September 2023
Manuscript/poster/PowerPoint/video Submission Deadline: 20th October 2023
Conference: 1–15 December 2023

You can participate in IECV 2023 free of charge in the following two ways:

- Submit Abstracts and Proceedings/Supplementary Files
Submit an abstract before 15th September 2023. After acceptance, you will be asked to submit a short proceeding paper (3–6 pages), a poster, a PowerPoint presentation (in PDF), and/or a short video presentation (max. 3–5 minutes) before 20th October 2023. Detailed information can be found at: Instructions for Authors.

- Attend Live Sessions
Throughout the duration of the conference, a number of live sessions will be held. By subscribing to IECV 2023, you will receive email notifications on the live session program and the open online discussion forum.

In addition, there are two publication options for your consideration after the conference:

- Proceedings
The accepted proceeding paper (3–6 pages) will be published with a DOI in the MDPI Medical Sciences Forum journal (ISSN 2673-9992) after plagiarism checks. The publication of proceedings papers is free of charge.

- Conference Special Issue
After the conference, authors are recommended to submit an extended version of their proceedings papers to the Vaccines (ISSN 2076-393X, IF 7.8) Special Issue "Selected Papers from the 1st International Electronic Conference on Vaccines: RNA Vaccines, Current Challenges and Future Developments (IECV2023)", for which they will receive a 20% discount on the APC.

Event Award
To acknowledge the support of the conference’s esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to launch the following awards: Best Paper Award (CHF 500) and Best Presentation Award (CHF 500). For details, please refer to https://sciforum.net/event/IECV2023#awards.

We look forward to receiving your submission and welcoming you to this e-conference.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Kind regards,
Your IECV 2023 Organizing Team
E-Mail: [email protected]


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