
12–16 September 2016, Seville, Spain
11th European Fluids Mechanics Conference (EFMC 11)

The next European Fluid Mechanics conference, EFMC11, will be held at the Barceló Sevilla Renacimiento Hotel between September 12th and September 16th 2016. Some details about the venue, the city, the program of activities, the meeting organization etc, are already accessible through the site which, however, is still under construction.

The European Fluid Mechanics Conferences are run under the auspices of the EUROMECH organisation, and cover all aspects of fl uid mechanics, from biological fl ows to aerodynamics, from environmental flows to combustion, etc. The first conference was celebrated in Cambridge in 1991. Since that fi rst meeting it has been organised every three years initially and more recently every two years owing to the increasing popularity; the previous meetings have been held in Warsaw in 1994, Göttingen in 1997, Eindhoven in 2000, Toulouse in 2003, Stockholm in 2006, Manchester 2008, Bad Reichenhall in 2010, Rome in 2012 and Copenhagen in 2014. This is the first time an EFMC takes place in Spain and we will do our best for not only the scientifi c program to be of the highest quality, but also the program of social activities.

We very much look forward to meeting you in Sevilla in 2016.

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