
7–11 October 2019, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary
4st International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials (ic-rmm4)

Every rheologist, scientist, researcher, PhD student, engineer, software engineer, chemist, physicist, and mathematician are welcome in event of the 4st International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials, which will be held for the fourth time in Hungary in the wonderful natural environment of the Beech Mountains (Bükk) at Miskolc-Lillafüred in castle hotel Hotel Palota in October 7-11th, 2019.

In our days the multidisciplinary applications of rheology and rheological modeling in material science and technology are encountered in sectors like foods, bio- and medical materials, ceramics, glasses, metal alloys, thin films, polymers, clays, construction materials, energy, aerospace, automotive and marine industry. Application of rheology in engineering, industry and materials science as well as in mechanics, physics, chemistry, medicine, biosciences, cosmetics, environmental and earth sciences are of particular interests. In 2017 in the previous conference on rheology and modeling of materials had participated scientists from 34 countries of the World.

The aims of the ic-rmm4 conference are the creation of an interdisciplinary worldwide forum on rheology including rheological modeling of materials and fostering of collaboration among scientists, researchers, PhD students, engineers as well as universities, research institutions and industry.

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