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1–3 September 2022, Frankfurt, Germany
World Conference on Climate Change & Sustainability (Climate Week 2022)

Climate Week 2022 will unite a range of key players from institutions, governments, cities and communities, the private sector, and civil society—including youth movements—from all over the world in order to improve global climate resilience. This conference is a distinctive opportunity for participants to hear directly from environmental and climate justice leaders about regeneration in action. It is a step towards empowering decision-makers and energy stakeholders to join forces and proactively address the challenges of climate change so that actual progress can be achieved. By providing an avenue for researchers working on topics relevant to climate change and environmental sustainability to share their latest accomplishments and research findings, their voices can be amplified and actions towards a more resilient, livable, sustainable future can be taken. Join us for three intensive and interesting days of discussion about contemporary challenges and new advancements in climate change.

Climate Week 2022 welcomes all the eminent personalities who are interested in participating to this Global Conference on Climate Change, which will take place September 01-03, 2022 at Mainhaus Stadthotel Frankfurt, Germany.

For more information, please do contact us at + 44 1442 7810 82 or [email protected]


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