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7–9 October 2019, Cordoba, Spain
The 6th International Advanced Research Workshop on transformers (ARWtr2019)

The aim of the International Advanced Research Workshop on transformers (ARWtr) is to provide a meeting of specialists from industrial, academic, and research backgrounds to facilitate the intense exchange of practical knowledge and the establishment of collaborative links with respect to new trends and issues relating to power, instruments, and high-frequency transformers. This ARWtr2019 conference will be promoting topics related to technology advances, as well as new trends in smart applications and practices.

The International ARWtr (Advanced Research Workshops on transformers) conferences are held every three years under the leadership of CIGRE and IEEE-PES since 2004. After 15 years, it continues to gather a strongly connected and faithful group of outstanding specialists within the field of transformers. We believe that this specific workshop, whose first objective is to encourage practical applications, provides an excellent opportunity for continued development in this field.


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